I slowly and carefully remove my arms from under her and remove my shirt, pressing it to her stomach and shutting my eyes slightly when she flinches. His shirt was already soaked with blood and wasn’t helping with stopping the bleeding.

      “Brook, listen to me, you have to stay with me alright? Just keep looking at me and don’t fall asleep, everything is going to be alright.”I tell her, nodding slightly as I look into her eyes, trying to reassure her but some part of me knows I am trying to reassure myself also.

      “I remember Brook,” I tell her with a smile, looking up to see how Kale was doing with the call. I find him holding the receiver, crying as he tries to explain what happened and telling them our address. I look back down to her, trying to keep her eyes with mine as I attempt to get her mind elsewhere. “So you have to keep strong now like you did before. You have to stay with me so we can live the life we used to have.” I say, plastering on another smile but tears sting my eyes that I am unable to blink away and they spill over. “We have our lives back Brook and you have to be here to live it. You have to be here because I love you so much and I haven’t been able to tell you that for so long.” My voice breaks and I am able to continue. Just the sight of her like this, laying in my arms, knowing that every second I am one second closer to losing her. I watch to amazement as she smiles.

      “I knew you would come back one day.” She says and then her eyes shut.

      I sit there dumbfounded for a moment before I have recovered from my shot. My hands begin to shake and I lift them to her neck, pressing to find a pulse.

      “Brook?! Brook answer me!” I yell, my voice holding so much fear it shakes. “Wake up! Don’t leave me! Help is on the way! Just hold in there alright?!”

      I watch her eyes, waiting for them to open but when they don’t and a pulse doesn’t return, I quickly scoot her off my lap and onto the floor. I begin pounding on her chest as I perform CPR but keep my eyes on her closed ones, watching them, waiting for them to open.

      “Rodger! Stop! Your hurting her!” Kale screams but I don’t listen. He is to young to understand what I am doing, to young to understand what is happening, to young to understand that she is dying, or is already dead.

      “Brooklyn, you aren’t leaving me. No matter how much you have wanted this to happen in the past, I won’t let it happen just like I didn’t the last time.” I tell her firmly. “When are you going to understand that I’m not going to let you go?”

      Just as I am saying this the blaring sirens float into the house and tires screech to a stop much like mine did just moments ago. But this doesn’t stop my from continuing CPR. I wasn’t giving up until they were either here and taking care of it or until she woke up.

      Pounding footsteps echo throughout the house and then come to a halting stop.

      “Stand to your feet and put your hands where I can see them Sir!” someone commands loudly and I look up and find more than one police officer.

      “I can’t! She’s dying! She needs help!” I scream. They continue to look at me and I feel my emotions begin to bubble with rage. “Don’t just stand there! Get her HELP!”

      One of the police officers make a slow movement as he reached for the walkie takie on his shoulder and murmurs something into it but I have turned back to Brook by now and continue what I had been doing.

      “Excuse me sir, we are going to have to ask you to stand to you feet and put your hands where we can see them, help is here. If you will step aside the help will be assisted.” The same cop as before commands again.

      I look away from her once more and find men dressed in white standing beside the police and I know they are what the cops said was the ‘help’. I stand to my feet slowly and put my now bloody hands in the air and then look around the room.

      “Where is my brother?” I ask them.

      “He is safely outside being questioned, and we are going to have you step outside along with him.”

      I walk slowly towards the door and see the men dressed in white rush forward and I look over my shoulder and find them poking and prodding at Brook.

      I walk outside and my hands fall limping to my sides and I look back, finding the cops following me.

      “Is she going to be alright?”I ask him quickly.

      “They are looking her over Sir, now if I could have you step over here-..”

      “That’s not what I asked, I asked if she was going to be alright. Not what they were doing.” I snap.

      He nods with understanding. “I know, we will find out what is going on with her when they have had time to look her over, for now though will you step over here so we can ask you some questions?”

      “No,” I tell him as I look back to the house and then around the yard. I find Kale sitting in the back of a ambulance with a bag of ice pressed to his head and his body still shaking with sobs as a woman stands in front of him and pounds him for information.

      “Excuse me?” the officer asks in disbelief.

      “I won’t step over there so you can ask me some questions right now, I will answer anything you need to know AFTER we find out what is going to happen and if everything is okay with my girlfriend. Until then I am waiting here so I can find out anything.”

      Just as I am snapping this the men wheel a stretcher out of the house and Brook’s pale face stands out against the sheets. My heart stops as I watch them run towards one of the ambulances and I hurry towards them but someone grabs my arm.

      “You can’t go over there.” The officer says and they put her in the back of the ambulance.

      “I have to go with her!” I scream as I yank my arm away and run to the ambulance, throwing open the door just as they shut it. When they see me their eyes widen to the size of golf balls as I climb inside.

      “I’m the boyfriend. Now let’s get her to the hospital.”

Hey guys! sorry it was so short but it is getting late and my laptop is dying and I wanted to get at least one Chapter up, so this is what I got to give... BUT the ice has cause school to be canceled for me tomorrow so after I go sledding with my friends I will come and write a chapter for you!

I dedicated this chapter to JasminnElanoraGull for the amazing comment that really made my day yesterday! Thank you so much! :)

Thank you so much for the votes\comments on the last chapter! Keep it up! :D

Thanks for reading and have a great night! :)

Beware of the Parker Boys *UNDER EDITING*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα