The One With Elena

Start from the beginning

The Radkova witch immediately grinned up at the Salvatore vampire. "Let's do it," Emily excitedly exclaimed.

The vampire hunter was the next person to walk up to the Radkova witch. Alaric raised up a see-through plastic baggie as if it belonged inside of a hospital. "Uh, this is the heart," Alaric awkwardly stated as he held the bag out for the Gilbert girl. "Good thing we saved it, huh?" The vampire hunter joked.

"Yeah," Emily muttered as she released a light chuckle before she grabbed the bag from the vampire hunter. The Gilbert girl silently opened the plastic bag and found her twin sister's heart inside.

"This is so weird," Emily muttered to herself before she grabbed the heart in her palm. It was definitely a strange experience. Emily always wished to be a cardiothoracic surgeon but touching her own sister's heart was definitely something else.

The Radkova witch ignored the warm and veiny texture of the organ as she slowly walked towards her sister's grey and dead body before Emily gently dropped down to her knees to the left side of the deceased girl.

Emily quickly felt relieved when she noticed that her twin sister was wearing a simple crop top. The Radkova witch had completely forgot that she would need access to Elena's chest. This way, Emily wouldn't have to rip up her twin sister's clothing.

Emily knew she had the Forbes vampire to thank for this. The Gilbert girl made a mental note to thank Caroline later for choosing and changing Elena's outfit.

The Radkova witch took a deep breath as she stared into Elena's empty chest. It made Emily feel anxious to look at her sister's body and saw it bare of her heart.

Emily forced herself to calm down and remind herself that this is why she was here right now before the Radkova witch shakily and slowly placed Elena's heart back into it's original spot. It was definitely gross and awkward since Emily had to shove her hand into her twin sister's chest cavity before the Radkova witch finally placed the organ into the correct place.

The Lockwood werewolf quickly jumped in to help Emily when he noticed her trying to stand up from the ground. "I got you," Tyler murmured as he tightly held onto the Gilbert girl's left hand while his other hand was holding onto Emily's waist as he guided her up.

The Radkova witch shot Tyler a thankful smile before she released the werewolf's hand and turned to the only other witch. "Are you sure Lena's head is in the Earth point?" Emily worriedly inquired before she stated as she shook her head, "if it's not right, everything will go downhill from here."

The Bennett witch took a step towards the Gilbert girl before she promised as she placed her hand over her heart, "I made sure it was all done correctly. I even grabbed the white candles from Grams' things." Bonnie grinned across at the Radkova witch as she stated, "everything is in order. You just gotta do your thing."

Emily couldn't help but released a breath of relief as she silently nodded her head. The Gilbert girl knew everything had to be perfect or it would be all for nothing after the advice from Maria Radkova. Emily felt herself become calmer after knowing that the Bennett witch was sure that Elena's body was in the correct spot.

The Radkova witch briefly closed her green eyes as she silently went over the next step to the heart resurrection spell in her mind. Emily cringed when she realized it was time for the bleeding part. The Gilbert girl turned around and looked over to her aunt. "If you're still squeamish around blood, I would leave now," Emily advised to the new vampire.

Jenna immediately shook her head. "I can handle it," the Somers vampire promised as she tightly squeezed Alaric's hand (with her human strength) before she stated, "I want to be here." Jenna didn't want to miss this moment. She wanted to be right here when Elena woke up.

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