Mrs Kim was surprisingly okay with her sons decision after he came clean to her. Although, she  still strongly believed that the Jeons deserved to be punished for all the atrocities they committed, but Seokjin had his undisclosed ways and tactics in calming her down.

When asked if she didn't want her son to give her grandkids anymore, she replied saying, "Seokjin is my only child, I want nothing but the best for him. So, if this young man makes him incredibly happy, then I'm happy too, isn't that the wish of every mother?"

Pulling into the driveway of the set, Jungkook highlights the vehicle and instantly caught sight of Jimin already sprinting towards him.

"Hey Jungkook" he greeted, waving his hands in the air.

"Jimin hyung" Jungkook chided, extending his hands out for a handshake, "it's so good to see you"

"I could totally say the same for you, you're glowing." Jimin complemented.

"Thank you hyung, you too" Jungkook teased, to which Jimin playfully smacked him across the arm. "Not you too, I mean Seokjin doesn't even allow me that much peace either. But, thinking about it now, you two really do belong to each other"

Jungkook couldn't agree more, as he immediately bursted out laughing, while waving Jimin goodbye, before making his way towards the enclosed area of the set. Besides Jimin, some of the staff members who constantly worked with Kim Seokjin, knew all too well who Jeon Jungkook was and they respected him, forgetting never to overstep their boundaries as well.

Finally catching a glimpse of his husband sending a fierce gaze towards the camera in front of him, Jungkook's heart involuntarily does a few flips, as he stood just a foot away to admire the demi god he was married to. In this lifetime and even in the next, he didn't want to be straight, no way in hell, he was always going to want Kim Seokjin, always.

"Take ten!" The shoot director yelled out to the crew and everyone instantly dispersed, in groups for a short break.

From where Jungkook stood, he could easily see his husband reach for his cellphone with a pout on his lips. A few seconds later and the text "Where are you babe? Still at the school? Why aren't you coming to see me on set? I miss you" with a sullen emoji, was splayed across his screen.

Jungkook giggles to himself, only he got to see the babyish side of the famous supermodel and the feeling was too freaking good to be compared to anything.

"Why are you pouting though? Aren't you a little too old for that? You're 33 years old mr" Jungkook typed away and hit send.

How did his husband know he was pouting?

Instantly, Seokjin's shots his gaze up, eyes bouncing off various heads until they landed on the very familiar breathtaking sight. His face quickly breaks into a big smile, beckoning on Jungkook to come closer, with a flirtatious curve of his index finger.

Just as Jungkook was about to move towards his husband, a young female abruptly walks past him, shoving him to the side in the process.

Reaching out to Seokjin, she handed him a cup of coffee, smiling from ear to ear while leaning side to side on each foot. "I got this for you, today must have been so tiring for you and I heard you're going on a break soon" she says, desperately trying to make the conversation thrive.

Seokjin couldn't say a word, his eyes only alternating between the girls outstretched hand and Jungkook's face. Only if she knew the glares and daggers that were busy being thrown her way.

"You're new here I guess? Because you honestly do not want to be doing this right now, trust me"

The girl huffs, starring at Seokjin, confused. "Why? I'm merely just being nice to you Mr Seokjin" she slurred, twirling her strands between her fingers.

"Eww" Seokjin cringed.

The footsteps behind her quickened, but, just as she was about to turn around to investigate the source of the noise, the coffee was suddenly snatched from her hand. "Aww you're too nice, thank you very much for this, I'll make sure to enjoy every bit of it this with my husband here" Jungkook chided, sending a bright smile her way.

Leaning upwards, Jungkook presses his lips against Seokjin's plump ones in a smooch, causing the girl to scurry away in a stunned state.

"You're such a menace" Seokjin giggles inbetween the kisses, finally able to breath a sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around his entire world.

"Yea right. It's coffee today, maybe Chinese tomorrow?" Jungkook teased after breaking the kiss.

"You know I'd totally share it with you"

Jungkook couldn't help but roll his eyes as he erupted in a fit of giggles. "Excited for our trip?"

"I don't think I've ever been as excited about anything like this in my entire life" Seokjin sang, bopping Jungkook's nose in the process.

"Me too" Jungkook grins.

Pulling away from the hug, Jungkook flashes his husband a smile, "I'll be waiting out front, finish up here so we can go home and get ready"

"Sure babe, I'm I perhaps getting some tonight?" Seokjin asks with a smirk.

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook poked out his tongue and shook his head in disapproval, laughing heartily as he excused himself.

"Ugh! This coffee tastes terrible! Was she trying to poison my man?" he spat in disgust, emptying the content into a nearby bin after taking just a tiny sip.

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