Chapter 13

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So very cheesy.

The same familiar feeling of fluttering butterflies at the pit of his stomach whenever he awakens to the sight of the flowers carefully tucked into a transparent vase of water beside his bedside drawer.

Jungkook hummed turning on his back and smiling to himself, a little off guard.

The excitement was more the few weeks that eventually rolled by after the incident. It sort of came naturally now, the usual routine of getting up in the morning, showering, putting on makeup before heading straight for the kitchen to prepare food for Kim Seokjin.

It was becoming a thing.

Jungkook gently swayed around his bedroom humming to a song in his head as he maneuvered his way around until he was all set and ready to head downstairs.

In the kitchen, he got busy preparing a simple breakfast for Kim Seokjin.

Don't ask. He wouldn't be able to provide answers. He'd somehow grown accustomed and familiar to the man since the ring incident.

Seokjin had brought home flowers for him every single day since that day continually asking for his forgiveness. It might have started as an harmless gesture or even a joke, one Jungkook thought the man would outgrow after a few days, but it's been weeks and Kim Seokjin hasn't failed a single day coming back home clutching a soft scented bouquet to his chest.

"What you doing?" The familiar voice echoed through the kitchen causing Jungkook to turn in the direction abruptly, wiping his wet hands on the apron tied around his neck.

Jungkook's breath hitched at the back of his throat as usual at the sight of the man. He had on a black pair of properly ironed suite and a white inner that could barely cover his wide shoulders with two of the buttons undone.

He licked his lips in hopes of hiding his nervousness "no tie today?"

"Nope, it's Friday, might as well look kinda casual don't you think?" He says walking further into the kitchen until he was only a few inches away from the boys face.

He smiled down at him "Did you sleep well?"

Jungkook could smell the man from the close proximity between them, but he somehow managed to shrug off the thoughts, before creating a safe distance between them "Um well yes I did" he says returning the smiling gesture.

Seokjin only hummed in response, walking around the table pulling out two chairs "This place smells heavenly by the way, you've successfully turned me into a breakfast person now, not complaining though I've actually come to realize I kinda like it" he turned to face him "thank you Hyewon"

Jungkook nodded reaching for a plate to dish out eachother's meals respectively.

It's also surprising how well he'd gotten used to making Kim Seokjin's coffee, knowing exactly how the man liked it.

"All your schedules for the weekend have been cleared!"

Jimin announces placing the iPad and pen on the table before him and picking up his personal phone.

"So what plans do you have anyways?" He asked curiously starring at Seokjin over the table "it had better been good because we just cancelled on Louise Vuitton fashion week where might I add, you were supposed to be the leader of the runway"

Seokjin chuckled "Calm down Jim, you're always getting worked up over nothing, It's not like I'd been loosing my job over this, I'm still a boss of myself"

Big flex,

"I know that, I'm just wondering what suddenly came up that warrants you cancelling the same plans you already agreed to weeks ago"

Relaxing into his chair, Seokjin simply smiled "I got it covered. Now." He says banging his hand on the table causing Jimin to flinch "I want you to book a reservation at the most prestigious restaurant in town"

"Huh?" Jimin asks, confused.

"I'm taking Hyewon on a surprise date this weekend and I actually want everything to go smoothly, if not perfect " he added with a content sigh.

Ogling at him Jimin slapped a hand over his own mouth in realization "ohhh someone's inlove" he teased with wiggling brows.

"What? No"

"Oh please, yes I know you got married to her to make your mother happy, but these days there's a certain glow to you, you come in looking really lively and umm full?" He says the last part with his fingers rubbing over his chin.

Seokjin chuckled for the uptenth time "You're crazy" he says paying him no mind

"Call me whatever. I know there's a sudden shift in the way you feel and act towards her, cmon you can't even deny that"

Hand on his jaw Seokjin thought about what Jimin says in silence as time ticked away.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Lisa shouted walking up to Jungkook and seizing him by his wrist in a soft grip.

Jungkook rolled his eyes "Why?"

"What do you mean why? You just got here and now you're in a hurry to leave claiming it's because you have a lot of things to do? It's almost seven in the evening Kook, what on earth do you have to do that's so much more important than me?"

Pulling his wrist away from her touch, Jungkook breaths out.

"I'm not saying anything is more important than you Lisa, I'm only saying it's about time I get home"

"Why? Because of that Jin or whatever the fuck his name is" she asks, her tone clearly conveying the anger she felt "I literally had to call you several times, even claiming to be sick before you eventually showed up, and now you're just gonna leave again?"

"What else do you want me to do? I went grocery shopp—"

"What about my needs? You've not touched me in over two weeks Jungkook, doesn't that matter? My needs no longer matter to you? And don't even get me started on how you've been calling me by my name more often"

All the while Lisa spoke Jungkook's eyes were glued to the clock hanging on the wall above her head.


He wasn't obligated to cook of course, but somehow he just needed to. His entire being and fiber yearned to be back at the penthouse preparing a dish for the man who he was more than sure was already on his way back home with flowers in his hand.

He grinned at the thought,

"Jungkook?" She called out again rilling him out from his thoughts "Did you listen to me?"

"Yes" he answered rather absent mindedly "Of course I did listen to you"


So what exactly? He didn't really hear a thing.

Jungkook coughed, thereby clearing his dry throat "I-I-um actually—"

Scoffing In disbelief Lisa created a gap between them starring warily at him" You weren't listening right?"

"What! Of course I was, it's just that—" Jungkook jumped in, rather defensive about his actions.

"You like him" Lisa says monotonously "Don't you?" She added.

Jungkook's eyes widened in his head almost bulging out from their sockets "What are you talking about? Like who?"

Folding her arms over her chest she says "Jin, you like him"

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