Chapter 39

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"Goodbye Mr Jungkook, see you next week" the sweaty group of children in their sportswear chorused in unison, as they made their way towards the gym's exit.

"Actually kids, I'll be absent next week, so you guys do not need to come in" Jungkook responds, gathering his things into a neat pile.

Minhyuk, one of the kids in the group, stops walking and turns to face his coach. A quizzical look plastered on his face, "Why Mr Jungkook?"

Jungkook stops his task and walks towards him, bending down to his height. "Some day in the future, when you're old enough and deeply attached to a person, then you'll know" he joked, winking at the very confused boy.

Minhyuk nodded, although he couldn't quite understand a single thing, but he just wanted to seem interested in whatever his favorite teacher was rambling about. "Okay Mr Jungkook, have a great time then, bye!"

Jungkook laughed, he knew all too well the kid was pretending to be on the same page as him. "I sure will kiddo, take care of yourself"

Returning to his pile of already organized things, Jungkook zipped up his backpack and flung it over his shoulder, before proceeding to the mens washroom.

"Judging by how excited you seem, I doubt this break of yours will be a short one" The principal of the school, a lady in her early forties says, as she walked into her office, taking a seat in front of Jungkook. "Sorry I kept you waiting, I was passing the very vital information to the parents"

Jungkook nodded, waving his hands in the air dismissively, "Oh it's okay, I didn't wait that long"

"So, how long do you think you will be gone for?"

"Possibly months, maybe"  Jungkook stated, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"You look like a teenager who's so giddy in love, how long now since you've been married again?"

Jungkook eventually chuckles, tucking some stray hairs behind his ears, "Two years actually"

"Ohh" the lady nodded, flashing Jungkook a warm smile. "Well, the children will miss you and the parents too, including myself. Everyone thinks you really should become a professional basketball player based on your skills. I swear the very first day I interviewed you for the position of the sports teacher, I was greatly impressed and amazed by the intelligence and jaw dropping skills you possessed. You easily could become a renowned player without much hassle, so it makes me wonder why you chose to teach the kids instead"

Jungkook was silent for a while, as if trying to piece his words together properly, before eventually saying. "Actually, I was going to, that was the main reason I played anyways, besides it also being a passion of mine. But, I love what I do at the moment, although maybe in the future I'd like to venture into bigger projects of course, but as of now, I love it here and I love the kids as well. Moreover, my husband is already in the public eye, so maybe i prefer living a much low key lifestyle compared to his, it helps to balance out everything pretty well"

Nodding in complete understanding, the lady says, "You're right, just as long as you're happy with whatever it is you have going on right now, then everything is fine. Do have fun on your break and give me regards to Seokjin, thats one hell of a fine man you've got there" she concluded with a wink.

Jungkook was all smiles on the short drive towards Seokjin's shoot location. So much had happened in the span of two years since they became legally married. Seokjin's fame and popularity had skyrocketed through the roof, often times he thought of quitting and just returning back to his white collar job, but Jungkook always thought otherwise. The passion and spark in Seokjin's brown eyes whenever he posed for the cameras, downright proved just how much he loved modeling, he was a natural at it and it easily showed. And for the record, Jungkook felt like his husband was such a muse, in a more clearer explanation, Seokjin was Jungkook's muse and he wouldn't have it any other way.

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