Chapter 34

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"Eomma, what are you talking about?" Hyewon asks, after allowing her mothers previous words sink in.

Mrs Jeon ditched her spoon, before turning in her daughters direction, "Yes Hyewonie, you've clearly realized your mistakes, isn't that why you came back home?"

Hyewon blinked a few times, it was a bit difficult to understand anything the woman was saying. "Yes you're right, I did come back home because I realized all of my mistakes, but I never once said nor insinuated I came home for Kim Seokjin"

"Does it matter?" Mrs Jeon argued, starring expectantly at her daughter, "He was rightfully meant to be your husband in the first place had you not run off, causing Jungkook to walk down the aisle to save our faces. You know he never wanted any of this, you convinced him and this is your cue to do right by your brother Hyewon. Relieve him of this burden of having to live like a woman instead of the man that he is, moreover he hasn't been doing much in terms of raking in enough money for this family. These excessive bills won't pay themselves you know? so you need to step in and I mean fast!"

"What makes you think Jungkook is okay with any of this?" Hyewon stated, arguing right back.

Mrs Jeon scoffed, tucking some stray hairs behind her ears, "This is what he has always wanted, he hated this whole idea of this charade from the very beginning, I can bet you he wants nothing more than to be free from Kim Seokjin. Right son?"

Jungkook who had been watching the mother and daughter go back and forth with words, was eventually reeled back to reality after hearing his mother call out to him.

"Jungkook, I'm correct aren't I? You need to be free from having to live with Kim Seokjin right?" She questions yet again.

For a few minutes that felt like eternity, only a deafening silence stretched on over the family of three. Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but it felt like his brain was experiencing some sort of glitch that made it extremely difficult to form a simple sentence. All the while, the words free from Seokjin, kept echoing deep in his mind.

Finally garnering enough will power to hold himself up, Jungkook gripped hard unto the edge of the dinning table and just stared at his mother through hooded eyes in utter disbelief.

"Eomma" he began, voice barley audible from the state of shock he was currently in. "Y-you are really something else, not once did you ever bother checking in on me since this whole charade of yours began. You also never reached out to me, nor did you take into the tiniest bit of consideration just how my entire life was playing out all these time. All the while, you were only bothered about why I wasn't raking in enough money to fuel your bills?" As Jungkook spoke, the tears he'd been battling so hard to hold in, came prickling down his cheeks.

"B-but, this has always been your dream Jungkook, this is what you've always wanted, to be free from Seokjin so you can get your life back in order. So how is it such a terrible idea now? I'm simply trying to give you your life back"

"Eomma stop!" Hyewon yelled, trying to put her mother in check.

Sensing how both of her children were now taking sides against her, Mrs Jeon lashed out at Jungkook. "What! And so what if I want you both to switch places again? It wasn't like everything that happened was my fault from the onset, it was all your sisters. Afterall, she was the one who fled without taking any of our feelings into consideration, I was merely trying to save us first hand embarrassment"

"Even if it was Nonna's fault from the onset, you're still being very mean and selfish right now!" Jungkook yelled right back, his voice resonating through out the entire living room. "For crying out loud, she just came back home after having been through so much, but then, what's your very nest plan? To have her return to the same marriage she once dreadfully escaped from? Don't you vividly see it Eomma? This is all on you! This is all for your personal gains and nothing more!"

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