Chapter 36

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After knocking a few times on Jungkook's door without a response, Daniel grew very impatient and pushed the door to the dorm open with a frown on his face, yelling out the boy's name as he walked in.

"JK!" He yelled out again, before finally catching a glimpse of Jungkook yawning awake from his slumber, sleepily rubbing his eyes with the back of his palm to rid himself of any more sleep.

Allowing his eyes to rake over the room, Daniel takes note of every single thing that was out of place. Things which included the monitor setup on the table which was now pushed to the side, the previously hanging wall frame that was now broken, as well as the mess of scattered clothes which littered he ground. Clothes he was more than certain belonged to Jungkook.

A very corny and mischievous smile suddenly crept up Daniel's face, as he returned his gaze to Jungkook while wiggling his brows.

"What?" Jungkook manages to say, his voice sounding ratter hoarse and groggy.

"Seokjin was here, and y'all were very very rough last night, you sure as hell cannot tell me otherwise man" he teased, still starring down at his friend underneath the covers.

Jungkook snorted and flashed him the middle finger, "Fuck you"

"Oh, you won't be doing that trust me, I think Seokjin already has you in the palm of his hand. Damn, for somebody who swore he wasn't gay, you sure are living your best life" Daniel further teases.

As much as he'd love to, Jungkook was way too tired to provide him with a snarky reply, so he just snorted in disbelief and attempted to sit up on the bed, only to fall right back down with a wince.


"What's wrong?" Daniel questions, waves of concern flooding him as he scooted even closer towards the bed.

Shooting him a glare, Jungkook rolls his eyes and proceeds to say "Nothing, you're so fucking nosy"

"Oh please, I'm not the one wincing out in pain after having such a steamy night, so tell me, where did he have you bent over? The table? Is that why the monitor is pushed aside? Oh oh, or better still, against the wall? Because man I swear that vividly explains all the hickeys gracing your neck. Uh yes, don't think i didn't notice any of them, they're quite visible on the very first glance"

Grabbing a pillow from beside him, Jungkook instantly sends it flying in Daniel's direction, but the boy was quick to duck as he erupted in a fit of laughter, clutching his stomach as his laughter intensifies.

"What did I even do? I'm merely just pointing out the obvious, you had a wild night with a wolf and now you're paying for it. I'm not your man and I cannot pamper you okay, so now get your sore ass up for class, our finals are fast approaching, and unlike you i absolutely cannot wait to leave this shit hole"

"Fine" Jungkook mutters. He admits Daniel definitely won over him this time, he just couldn't bring himself to engage in a banter with him, so he sadly just smiles through the teasing.

Just then, his cellphone dinged beside him and quickly reached for it. A smile already playing on his thin lips as he read the message splayed across the screen.

"Good morning my Jeonguk, I swear sometimes I hate my job, because who the hell schedules a shoot for as early as seven in the morning? I couldn't even take care of my baby and that makes me so sad.

Do run yourself a warm bath and make sure you apply some of those essential oils I used on you the last time, it'll work wonders in easing any pain while keeping you fresh as well. I promise to get your wall frame replaced my love, forgive this clumsy ass boyfriend of yours, you tasted so freaking good last night and I ended up losing every ounce of reasoning within me.

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