Chapter 37

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Jungkook, stood tall and proud in his graduation robe that was neatly draped over his shoulders, he had a very gorgeous smile etched on his face as he walked up the stage to receive his certificate. The head of the student board, further went ahead to offer him a congratulatory handshake while they posed for photos.

Bowing to the whistling and cheering crowd in front of him, Jungkook catches a glimpse of his mother, his sister, Jisoo and his best friend Daniel all gearing for him, with equally gorgeous smiles gracing their various faces.

As soon as he stepped down the stage, his mother was the first one to run towards him, instantly pulling him into a hug, "I'm so proud of you my son, you did it, you made all of us proud. Thank you for not giving up even after making your life hard, I'm so sorry Jungkook ah, I love you my son"

Jungkook stayed in his mothers embrace for a while, appreciatively rubbing over her back. He could clearly still feel her uneasiness with him, but he was determined to make her realize that he had indeed long forgiven her for everything. "I love you too Eomma and I forgive you"

Then, along came his sister with Jisoo, who practically sprinted up from their seats hand in hand, while running towards him. "Congratulations kiddo, you did it" they both chorused uniformly, taking turns in hugging him.

Daniel was obviously the last one to walk up to him, throwing peace and boxing sings in the air, "We did it man, we're finally saying goodbye to this shit hole and I couldn't be happier, damn it almost cost my dear life!" He exaggerated, before he continued. "Congratulations man and for the record, I knew you could it from the very start, there's literally no stopping you, not even a damned wedding dress stood a chance"

Jungkook blurted out laughing, playfully punching Daniel across the arm while nodding in agreement. Actually, he owes a whole lot to the boy, he was such a eye opener while being a source of strength and encouragement at the same time. If anything, Daniel had grown to hold such a special place in Jungkook's heart and he was ready to admit it, paying no mind to how cliche any of it might sound.

"I really, really want to say I love you, but I don't know__"

Daniel snorted, sparing Jungkook a look of disgust, "Please don't, I can feel the love oozing from your heart, so trust me, you do not need to verbally confess any of it" He scolded, with an hint of humor of course.

Jungkook, snorted in return with an eye roll. "I was never going to say that, don't be stupid and unfortunate"

"Yeah right"

They both exchanged a few heart felt laughters, before they went ahead to pose for pictures together, along with both of their families who had come to celebrate with them.

Jungkook ended up returning home with his family that evening, for a quick celebratory dinner organized by his mother. He could attest in the depth of his heart, that this was the first time in a very long time that he felt whole. Watching his family seated round the small table, sharing small talks and soft giggles while they ate, made his soul leap for absolute joy.

After dinner, he bid his family warm goodbyes through hugs and cheek kisses, before boarding a taxi and returning back to the penthouse.

By the time Jungkook arrived at the house, it was already late into the evening and he felt totally exhausted. As he made his way towards Seokjin's bedroom, he immediately started shrugging out of his clothes, then dumping them into the wash basket, before heading straight into the bathroom.

After a long ass session of pampering himself with steamy warm water and essential oils, he finally exited the bathroom feeling and smelling fresh. Jungkook proceeds to throw on a pair of sleeping shorts and sleeveless tees, before curling underneath the covers and drifting off to dreamland.

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