Chapter 3

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"But you promised"

Lisa whined throwing her arms over Jungkook's shoulder who in turn pulled her in closer by the waist.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't know about this. Apparently the wedding was pushed forward so this impromptu family dinner was planned"

"But still, just a few minutes won't hurt" she said before kissing Jungkook's earlobe and running her warm tongue over his neck in a circular motion.

His phone vibrated in his pocket.

Slowly pulling away from her, he reached for his phone and read a text message from his mom telling him to hurry up. He sighed and turned to Lisa.

"I gotta go" he placed a quick peck on her lips.

She stomped her feet against the wooden floor of the dorm and crossed her arms over her busty chest.

"It's our anniversary for crying out loud Kook"

Jungkook picked up his backpack, luckily he had been able to put something decent together when his mother informed him about the dinner earlier. He checked his outfit one last time in the small table mirror and nodded his head with satisfaction, he didn't look all too flashy but his insanely good looks easily made up for that.

Hugging Lisa one more time, he looked into her eyes "I will make it up to you I promise" he bopped their noses together and exited the room making his way out of the building.

The weather was cooler than usual, winter must be fast approaching he thought as a taxi came to a halt in front of him.

Jungkook arrived the extremely flamboyant looking restaurant with bright lights and well organized seating arrangements. There was no doubt only the rich and well connected could manage to book a reservation here. Never in his life would he have thought he would step foot into such a place. Like Never!

He heard his name being called by a familiar voice.

He smiled, adjusting his clothes and backpack, speaking of the backpack it sure as hell didn't match the theme of restaurant. He would just take it as he didn't get the memo.

A pair of soft hands pulled him into a hug, he nuzzled his head against his mother's neck and smiled.

"Eomma, I've missed you" he finally said when she released him from the hug.

"I missed you too baby, c'mon let's take a seat"

Jungkook walked over to the round table and pulled out a seat for himself. He flashed a smile at his elder sister and bowed respectfully to Mrs Kim. The woman who literally had wealth written boldly on her forhead, must be perks of having a model and Ceo for a son.

And that was when Jungkook realized he was sitting directly opposite Seokjin, their eyes met briefly and he quickly looked away not liking the gaze in the man's eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't keep you all waiting for so long?"

It was Mrs Kim's turn to speak up "Oh it's okay my dear, college must be taking up so much of your time I presume?"

Jungkook smiled again, giving the woman an apologetic look.

"We should talk over dinner, what do y'all think?" Mrs Jeon says.

"Sounds like a brilliant idea" Mrs Kim added, and before long a neatly well dressed waiter was making her way towards their table

"I was thinking the honeymoon can be in Bali?"

Mrs Kim turned expectantly to her son who had barely said a word the entire duration of the dinner. He was too busy on his phone anyways.

Lifting up his head, Seokjin gave her a thin lip smile "Anything is fine by me mom, as long as Hyewon is in agreement with it" he said flatly.

Mrs Kim huffed slapping his upper arm slightly "Don't be so boring" She turned her attention to the bride to be "don't you agree with me Hyewonie? Bali is fine right?"

Hyewon nodded, brushing her hair out of her eyes, her pink tainted cheeks and rosy lips on full display.

"Yes Ma, it's fine" she simply said.

Jungkook was in his own world as well, he wasn't paying any attention to the ongoing discussion. He was busy on the phone assuring his girlfriend by all means that he would try to hurry back to the dorm so they could have a steamy anniversary sex.


His gaze lifted up from his phone to be met with curios eyes boring holes into his head.

"We are here for a family dinner, not a competition to see who can use his or her phone the longest, I'm i right?" Mrs Jeon said motioning between himself and Seokjin, as they were the only ones on their phone.

Jungkook shifted in his seat "I'm sorry eomma" he muttered and placed his phone face down on the table. At the same time, Jin also pushed his phone farther away from him on the table.

The women went on and on.

With nothing to do, Jungkook eyes raked up and the down the restaurant, from the artsy ceilings to the ornamental interior decor and then to__Jin

He was Suprised to actually catch Jin starring right back at him. He avoided his eyes for a while then looked back at him, and to his suprise, Jin's gaze on him had yet to falter.

What a weird guy Jungkook thought.

Not paying him any attention ought to have been the best option, but it's been minutes and Jin wouldn't even blink. It made Jungkook's skin tingle with some sort of sensation or maybe crawl? Who knows. He couldn't quite wrap his head around it.
The man had an intimidating stare, everytime he tried to keep up with the starring contest, he always found himself almost whimpering from the inside. He had lost count on how many times he'd actually shifted in his seat, ugh! He hated the man, people who thought they could make you cower at their feets just because they were rich and handsome, were the worst type of people on earth. And yes that's exactly who Kim Seokjin was.

The gaze broke off...

Thank you dear heavens

Seokjin had turned his attention to the raging storm outside, Jungkook followed his eyes and his heart sank to the bottom of his guts. When on earth had it started raining?

Hello! He had a woman and himself to satisfy for fucks sake!

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