Chapter 16

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Jungkook stared at his blaring cell phone for a while watching it ring continuously before tossing it to the side in absentmindedly. He sighed nonchalantly adjusting the bowl of cherries laying on his stomach properly before bringing one of the fruit to his mouth.

The phone went off again and he groaned in frustration trying to ignore the annoying sound, getting fed up he reached for the phone and switched it off with the help of side buttons "Why can't everybody just leave me the fuck alone?" He deadpanned, almost yelling in between.

The door swung open revealing Lisa who casually made her way in, wearing a pink mini skirt with matching shear crop top, her long black hair falling gracefully over her shoulder, she looked good, really good. Some time ago this particular look had the ability to send hot blood coarsing through Jungkook's entire body, but right now he couldn't even bring himself to register her presence and arousal? was far from what he felt.

His situation was laughable,he was indeed doomed.

"Kook" she called out waltzing over to him and straddling his hips after getting rid of the bowl of cherries "you okay babe? You've been acting so strange these past weeks"

He sparred her a glance before returning his gaze and attention back to the ceiling. Lisa groaned, a very frustrated kind "Yah!" she began "I've been trying to be nothing but understanding since this whole madness started, few weeks ago you were literally running away and avoiding me all in the name of Kim Seokjin, and now you're back at the dorm, ignoring me and literally every other person even your mother!" She yelled "what the hell is wrong with you?"

Jungkook huffed out a tired breath in an attempt to get up and rest his body against the headboard of the bed, but was restricted by her weight "Can you get off me?" He asks without much emotions.

Her eyes widened as if to say she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing, but before she could say anything, Jungkook chipped in again "So we can talk" he commented clearing the obvious misunderstanding that was about to take place.

Lisa resisted for sometime before eventually shrugging off his body taking a sit beside him on the bed "So what's up? Start spilling"

I think my entire life is falling apart, I think I'm beginning to develop actual feelings for Kim Seokjin who happens to be a man like myself and less I forget, he happens to be my noona's husband as well how sick is that? And I'm not even gay...

Dear heavens, he actually wished he could just say that out loud and get it off his chest in one go, but that definitely would make him seem crazy and disgusting in all aspect.

Lisa nudged him "You're spacing out instead of actually talking. Is it about us? Because I've noticed we're not as close as we used to, are we at the verge of breaking up Kook? have we managed to get there?" Her eyes moistened as she spoke causing Jungkook's heart to sink into the farthest pit of his stomach.

He internally punched himself, he felt horrible.

Seokjin gave a fierce look piercing straight into the camera as he posed for countless photos for his recently signed ambassador deal with Tom Ford's suit. He looked undeniably gorgeous as the faint whispers coming from female staffs present on set didn't quite go unheard by him. He was indeed looking brutally handsome and he was easily loved by everyone he'd ever worked with. The nations most beloved super model title he was given years ago really did stick with him.

"Take fifteen!" The director yelled ending the first section of the shoot. To Seokjin he looked on with a smile "Great job as alway Seokjin ssi we will continue after the break" he ended his words with a bow to which Seokjin returned respectfully.

Jimin was already pulling out a chair for him as he walked closer with a ready cup of latte in one hand as usual "You look so good in those, your face is going to be plastered all over walls after this shoot, and then watch their product sell out in minutes, the power of Kim Seokjin you're really the best at what you do my dear friend"'Jimin says with a wide grin plastered on his face.

Seokjin laughed taking a seat "the company is suffering at this rate" he says.

Waving his hands in the air, Jimin immediately chipped  in "Modeling has always been your passion, you only took over your fathers company so your mom won't be all up in your business"

"True that" He says with a laugh "I guess I never knew I'd become this booked and busy__"

"And popular also don't forget that, speaking of popularity, it's high time you hire body guards Jin ah, you cannot continue living your life like you're some random man who can easily walk on the streets, people adore you like crazy and amongst these people, you have no idea whose good or evil, what do you say hmm?"

"No" he says flatly causing Jimin to sigh in defeat. He knew it, he knew Kim Seokjin was way too stubborn for his own good, I mean he's known the man for a very long time.

"You never listen, don't say I ne__"

"E-excuse me?"

They both turned their heads looking towards a middle aged man who had interrupted their conversation.

"Yes good day, how may we help you?" Jimin asks.

The man swallowed nervously before he  said "Oh I'm really sorry to bother you, but you see my granddaughter is a very big fan of yours, when she found out I work alongside the lighting department in the studio she was adamant on me getting her an autograph. I told her it was against work ethics but she was so persistent about it because she's really sick and getting her your autograph will make her very happy"

Kim Seokjin smiled reaching towards the man before taking his hand into his "Is she home?"

The man shook his head "in the hospital" he replied.

"Take me to her, I want to see her"

Jimin's eyes widened "What? Seokjin you still have work to finish"

"Work can always wait, moreover we can quickly make use of the fifteen minutes break, c'mon Jimin ah I have a fan to make happy here" he replied in all honesty as he led the man away towards the car leaving Jimin to pack up his things in a hurry running behind them.

"Ughh! Be your friends P.A they said, it will be fun they said, now just look at me" he murmured all the way to the car.

Walking into his penthouse in the evening, Seokjin sighed huffing out a tired breath inbetween, getting rid of his shoes by the door he made his way towards the kitchen in search of something cold to drink.

Reality sets in when the quietness of the house finally welcomed him, if Hyewon was home then a warm meal would already be awaiting him on the table, not that he didn't  know how to cook, he was actually the better cook between both of them from what he's tasted, but something about Hyewon making him food just felt earth shattering satisfying.

He reached for his phone in his pants pocket and dialed Mrs Jeon who picked up on the third ring

"Oh Seokjin ah my son, how are you doing?" She inquired sounding rather cheerful

He pinched his nose bridge "I'm fine ma'am, how are you?"

"I'm okay, everything is good. Are you calling me again because you're worried about your wife?"

"Yes ma'am, she still hasn't called me and she's not taking my calls. Are you sure she's fine?" He asked. He's been diligently asking for the past week, no day went by without him putting a call to the Jeon household.

Mrs Jeon assured him Hyewon was fine, saying she only needed a few days to cool off and would be home soon.

"I told you it's nothing too serious to concern yourself with, she will be home soon i promise my dear"

Seokjin exhaled "Please tell her to come home soon, I really do miss her"

P.S- I hope we all know the Hyewon Mrs Jeon is referring to is Jungkook right? Not her daughter who is the real Hyewon.

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