Chapter 19

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Jungkook dialed Daniels number continuously for the nth time, he was biting into his finger nails as he circled around the living room of the penthouse.

Hello this is Daniel, please leave a message.

Jungkook groaned, plopping down on one of the sofas out of sheer frustration.

He had a small bag packed already, attempting to run away before Seokjin got back from work.But all his attempt had been futile, because the door security lock seemed to have changed so suddenly. He stared at the door for a few minutes, still trying to remember or rather understand why the security lock was no longer the same.

"It couldn't have been him right?" He questioned himself. He knew Seokjin often left for work quite early, so there was no way the man would have had time to do that. He thought.

Having no means to leave the house, Jungkook's shoulders slumped in utter disappointment. He looked over his shoulders towards the kitchen as his stomach growled. Ignoring the obvious cry for food, he allowed his eyes zero solely on the slide window mounted right above the kitchen island area. And a thought immediately popped into his mind.

Jungkook hastily picked up his backpack, almost running towards the kitchen in eagerness.

"I'll throw the bag over first, before I jump down myself." He said strategically.

Jungkook climbed into the kitchen island, gripping the edges of the window for the right support. He eventually manages to lift himself up on tippy toes, trying to peek out the window to get a definite idea of how far down he might fall if he did attempt to jump.

The beeping sound coming from the door, made him instantly freeze in place. His mind immediately heavy with thoughts on how to explain his very obvious situation. He jumped down as soon as the doors swung open.

In hopes of trying to act and look normal, he kicked his backpack underneath the dinning table, praying deep in his heart for Seokjin to turn a blind eye to it.

Strolling passed the living room and into the kitchen, Seokjin's eyes landed on the boy who was extremely fidgety and unable to hold eye contact.

"What are you doing?" He asked, walking further into the kitchen, where Jungkook stood with his head down and hands folded neatly in front of him.

Jungkook couldn't answer, afraid his voice would betray him, because his heart was drumming heavily within his chest.

Studying the boy for a while, Seokjin allowed his eyes to rake over his body for a few seconds, before he then said, "You look too clothed to actually be cooking or about to, so what were you doing in here?" He asked again.

Jungkook's head remained down all the while, eyes fixed to the ground as he felt like he dared not stare the man in the eyes.

Seokjin's exhaled, bringing up his arms to form a loose knot over his chest, "Everything that happened last night is still very difficult for me to comprehend, it's really not easy on me. I couldn't concentrate properly at work all day, hence why I'm home earlier than usual. So instead of trying to run away from the mess you and your entire family have created over the past months, I think it's better we both honestly and truthfully talk through this, don't you think so as well?"

Jungkook shut his eyes tight as the feeling of immense guilt washed over him wave after wave. He tried to speak, he tried to say something, anything at all. But his tongue was tied, reasonable words too heavy to form.

Sighing for the nth time, Seokjin swept a palm over his face, "Come sit, we need to have a proper conversation" he said, turning around and walking back into the living room.

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