Chapter 31

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"Jeon, get off your fucking phone, it's practice time!" The coach bellowed, prompting Jungkook to sit up from his lying position, still smiling up at the meme splayed across his cellphone screen.

Tucking his phone away, Jungkook pulled on his green colored jersey and jogged down the flight of short stairs, towards the rest of his now awaiting teammate.

"You're looking all giddy and excited today, mind sharing with me? I'm desperate!" Daniel whispered, heading towards Jungkook and slinging a arm around his shoulder.

Jungkook snorted, pulling away from the boy to stare him in the face, "Be careful, Seokjin won't like that" he teased, accompanied with a sly wink. before tossing the ball at the boy.

The starting time whistle went off, and practice commenced in full gear, young men of vigor went head on for a few hours, before the coach eventually blew the final whistle, indicating the abrupt end to the practice.

"Jeon" the middle aged man began, deep voice booming through the pitch, "it's good to have you back, now your head is in game and you're living up to your previous position as the captain. I wonder what or who's putting you back on track, but the person is doing a great job" he praised, encouragingly patting Jungkook on his shoulder.

Jungkook flashed the man a grateful smile admist his heavy panting, bowing down a few times to convey his respect and appreciation.

On their way to the changing room, Daniel sped passed the other boys in order to catch up with Jungkook, where he then gently shoved him by his side, "Hmm, I bet Kim Seokjin is the answer to coach's question, how long has it been now, three months? four maybe? Damn, this all happened thanks to me. You really should think of becoming more appreciative towards me instead of constantly being a brat!" He warned like the jokester he is, sticking out his tongue at Jungkook in the process.

"Keep zapping that tongue of yours and I might just end up ripping it out of your mouth" Jungkook chided, playing along with his now besfriend as they both teased their way down the hall towards the locker room.

The sun was beginning to set, when a black tinted glass Mercedes pulled up in front of the sports building, honking a few times, thereby garnering the attention of a few bystanders, as well as the attention of the boy standing by the main entrance of the building. A sugary toothy grin plastered on his lips.

Instantly jogging down the stairs, Jungkook sprinted his way towards the car and held the passenger side open. Gently jamming the door after him, he settles into the luxurious and smooth leather seat, before turning his attention to the driver of the vehicle.

"Good to see you too Jeonguk, since you won't acknowledge my presence" the man grumbled, frowning in Jungkook's direction.

This coaxes a giggle out of Jungkook, as he leaned in for a quick peck on Seokjin's right cheek, "You're literally thirty one, stop acting like such a baby" he teased, relaxing more into his seat, not forgetting to secure his body with the belt.

Seokjin smiles, swiping his tongue over his lower lip, "I missed you!" He lets out, fondly allowing his gaze to linger on the boys reddened face. "Shooting is not the same without you staring a hole through my soul"

"That was just once!" Jungkook defended, feeling the urgent urge to smack Seokjin across the arm, for delivering him first hand embarrassment.

"Once? You've got to be kidding me, you did it all the time Jeonguk, I'm not blind" Seokjin countered, with facts.

Having no words left to actually engage in an heated battle with the man, Jungkook gives up with the slump of his shoulder and flaring red cheeks. "You're so annoying, fine you win" he sighed in defeat, allowing his head to fall back into the headrest of the seat.

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