Chapter 33

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Jungkook stared down at his cellphone, smiling at the text message splayed across the screen. Typing and sending a short reply of 'of course I will', He then proceeded to shove the gadget back into his backpack, before slinging both of it's arms over his shoulder.

Dejectedly standing on the front porch of his old house, Jungkook exhaled deeply, anxiety already eating away at his heart, as he gathered the last bit of courage he had left, and pressed the door bell.

A few minutes went by swiftly, before the wooden door of the building, was pulled open by an elderly woman. Whose eyes instantly went bulging out wide on her face.

"Jungkook?" She sings out in surprise, "is it really you?"

Jungkook, internally bit back the absolute urge to nonchalantly roll his eyes at the very obvious answer. "Yes it's me, you left me no choice as you constantly kept calling and texting me, so here I am"

The lady's face instantly grows sullen at the words of her son, "How could you be so cruel towards your own mother? You never once called to find out just how I was coping, neither did you ever visit. You even ended up changing your phone number, at some point, I had to get in touch with Seokjin for help. Why would you behave so inhumanly to me Jungkook?"

"Wait_" Jungkook cuts in, lifting a hand which signified stop, in the air. "You got my new number from Seokjin?"

Mrs Jeon nodded, wondering why he was asking the obvious.

"Then why did he never tell me?" He questions himself, mumbling underneath his breath.

"Huh? What was that?"

Giving his mother a stunted look, Jungkook sighs and says "Nothing. So why did you want to see me anyways?"

Stepping aside, Mrs Jeon held the door wide open, "I'm sure lots of our neighbors are beginning to gawk at us by now, come on in Jungkook ah hmm? Please come in let's talk about everything"

Jungkook contemplated this request for a short while, his tongue poking the insides of his mouth in utter disinterest.

"You do not need to say anything at all, but please just go over there and try listening to all she has to say, even if it's for my sake please"

The heart calming words of Kim Seokjin, resonated deep in his ears again, making him sigh in defeat as he slumped his shoulders and stepped in. "Fine"

Mrs Jeon reached for a piece of tissue from the rectangular box in front of her, and wiped her eyes dry with it. "It's been so difficult for me Jungkook, I felt abandoned by you and your elder sister. Why would any of you do that to me? I was only trying my best to look out for the both of you, I solely wanted to give you both the kind of life I never had"

"At the detriment of my life and my happiness Eomma. At first, I could easily believe you really were trying to look out for Noona and myself, but at some point, it just became plain obvious that you were scheming all of this for the sake of greed and for your own selfish benefits" Jungkook countered, the tears really not getting to him to say the least, because, he vividly remembers just how miserable and uncomfortable his life had once been.

Sometimes, Jungkook often wondered what sort of direction his entire life would have taken back then, if Seokjin didn't actually harbor feelings for him from the very start.

Mrs Jeon wailed even louder, blowing her nose into the now dampened tissue, "Why would you say such a thing Jungkook ah? You're my son, my only son for crying out loud, of course I would never do anything to intentionally put you in harms way" she defended sternly.

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