Chapter 20

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Jungkook stopped abruptly in his tracks immediately he walked into the living room, and caught sight of Kim Seokjin busy with work on his laptop. It was weekend, so the man was home, just the same way he was. Jungkook contemplated turning around and returning right back to his bedroom, instead of furthering his journey to the kitchen where he wanted to prepare himself a cup of coffee.

It's been over a week since he came clean to Kim Seokjin, and every day since that very day has basically been the same. He would wake up in the morning, take a warm bath, have a decent meal and repeat the same routine the very next day. If asked, Jungkook was gradually loosing his mind with each ticking seconds, Seokjin doesn't seem to want anything fro him, except having him under his strict vigilance at all times.

Jungkook coughed, thereby earning himself the attention of the very focused man.

Allowing his eyes rake over Jungkook's body for a while, Seokjin eventually spoke, after taking good note of the loose white Tshirt he had on. "Good morning to you too" he said, his voice sounding rather sarcastic.

Jungkook sighed, "Good morning" he replied.

"Have you always had those?" Seokjin questioned, referring to the pretty inks adorning the boys forearm and fingers.

Becoming conscious of himself, Jungkook immediately held both hands together behind him, in an attempt to mask away his tattoos.

Seokjin chuckled, shaking his head inbetween, "It's funny you know"

Jungkook corked a brow, "What is?" He asked. Feeling a little agitated.

"I don't know, let's say all these while, I've not only been living with a boy disguising himself as a woman, but also with a gangster as well?" Seokjin said.

Jungkook's eyes immediately went wide, "What!? I'm not a gangster okay? It's only tattoos, and they are all bodily arts which I really love. That doesn't mean I'm a gangster or what other terrible thoughts you have concerning me" He defended, clearly feeling offended by the title Kim Seokjin addressed him by.

But Seokjin didn't stop there, because he shook his head before giving Jungkook a reply to his outburst. "For someone who is very deceitful, you sure do have a lot to say don't you?"

And that was the final straw for Jungkook as he stumped his feet with a loud thud against the tiled floor, attempting to march right back into his bedroom. But he was quickly stopped by Kim Seokjin who stood to his feets and called out his name in a very deep and commanding voice.

"Where do you think you're going?" Seokjin asked.

With an obvious eye roll, Jungkook retorted "where else? Back to my room of course, where you have practically held me hostage against my will"

"What would you suggest I do then?"

"I don't know!" Jungkook yelled. "Anything, do anything at all, Call up my mother and tell her you already know about our little charade, or better still get me arrested or take us to court. Just do something Jin, I swear it's better than being couped up in this place like a mental patient stuck in an asylum!" Jungkook vented, clearly determined to get his most pained point across.

Seokjin frowned, "Mental patient? Isn't that a little bit too harsh huh? You think mental patients have the freedom to talk to their psychiatrists the way you are doing right now?" He asked, starring Jungkook straight in the eyes. The kind of stare that immediately broke ice cold into his soul.

"And secondly," Seokjin added. "did you just call me Jin?"

Jungkook swallowed, taking slow steps backwards, when he saw Seokjin walking toward him in a swift motion.

"Well, yes to your first question, I'm loosing my goddamn mind. It's killing me daily not knowing what exactly you plan on doing with me, by keeping me here and refusing to call my family instead even after I told you everything" Jungkook choked out in obvious frustration.

"And about calling you Jin, I'm sorry" he apologized.

Seokjin grew an evil smirk on his lips, as he stared down at the boy. "It somehow seems you're more concerned about not knowing what I plan on doing with you, rather than being locked up in here, I'm I right Jeonguk?"

Jungkook blinked up at him continuously like a lost puppy. Was that really his problem? Was that why he felt so tensed and easily angered around the man?

His mind raced with countless thoughts in that very moment, until he heard Kim Seokjin's voice again.

"Don't worry your pretty little head okay? I have a lot planned to do with you and to you" He said with a calm expression, but one could easily see the mischief flaring inside his dark brown orbs.

Walking back to the couch, Seokjin took a seat, then he said, "Pack a travel bag, I have a business trip to attend in Vernice, and then I'll be needed on the runway during New Yorks fashion week. So get yourself ready, we leave at seven A.M sharp tomorrow morning"

Jungkook's eyes popped out of its sockets as if he'd seen a ghost. For a few minutes, he was speechless as his jaw hung opened.

"What!" He finally says, practically yelling out the words.

Seokjin shrugged his shoulders rather nonchalantly, conveying how unbothered he felt by the bomb he just dropped on the shocked boy "What's what? And why are you yelling?"

"You tell me! You want me to pack a bag for what exactly?"

Seokjin groaned, pinching his nose bridge with a long sigh. "Must everything be difficult with you Joenguk?" He questioned, feeling exhausted.

"You are the one who just said something unreasonable here, not me" Jungkook defended again for the second time since their conversation ensued.

"Unreasonable? All I'm simply saying is I'll be out of town for more than two weeks, and I want us to go together. What's so unreasonable there?"

Jungkook snorted, feeling totally irritated. "I don't have a passport just incase you didn't know that, And secondly, I'll really prefer to stay back here than traveling anywhere with you"

Seokjin shook his head in a stern disapproval, "Nope! That won't do. You're coming with me and that's final. And about your passport, what do you think I've been doing for the passed one week?" He looked to the boy for answers, but was met with complete silence instead. So he rolled his eyes before he continued, "Don't worry about any of that, you already have yourself a passport which allows you to travel around the world. As long as you stay by my side that it" He concluded his words with a very sheepish grin.

Jungkook huffed out a ragged breath, folding both arms into loose knots over his chest. "Do I have a choice? What if I really do not want to go?" He asked.

"Then you'll only think of running away as usual. I've said it before Jeonguk, we can't have that happen. So nope you do not have a choice, we live Seoul together tomorrow and that's final"

"What about your company then? Who manages that when you're away?"

Seokjin shook his head again, "Please rephrase your statement, when we are away, not just myself okay? And moreover what do I have Jimin employed for?"

Jungkook plopped himself down on his soft mattress in absolute defeat. Kim Seokjin was too stubborn for his own good he thought. Jungkook felt like he would finally be able to have himself a little bit of freedom with the man's absence, but instead he realized he was indeed tied to Kim Seokjin like an helpless dog on a leash.

Jungkook groaned into the mattress, taking out his aggression on the innocent pillows as he punched them repeatedly.

He would have been able to take whatever Kim Seokjin dished him, if he was only just locked up in the penthouse alone maybe. But with his continuous and daily growing affection towards the man, everything was just plain difficult, and he downright hated it.

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