Chapter 8

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"Come in"

Kim Seokjin says when a soft knock came in contact with his door. A young girl in her early twenties strolled in holding some paperwork close to her chest, her chest which was visibly on display as she bent over carefully dropping them on his office desk

"The files you requested for sir" she says, leaning side to to side in her short skirt

She tried, she really did to get his attention but Kim Seokjin wasn't sparing her a glance. She cleared her throat causing him to finally tear his gaze away from his desktop to look up at her. His face expressionless and calm

She flashed him a small smile, one he didn't bother returning

"Why are you still here?" His voice low and clear, but one wouldn't miss the cold tone in which he said it

She adjusted her skirt immediately, hand coming up to lay over her chest as she bowed slowly "Umm i said the fil__"

"And I heard you very clearly, shut the door on your way out" and with that his attention was back to his work, so he missed the scowl that appeared on the girls face.

The door slammed a little harder than it normally would when the girl eventually exited the office. Sighing to himself, he picked up his phone from the desk and dialed a number, on the second ring a tiny voice seeped through the other end

"You need anything?" The person says

"Fire the new secretary immediately!"

The call disconnected as fast as he said the words.

A few more minutes back into his work the door to his office was flying open. Knowing fully well who it was, he didn't bother paying any attention

"What was that for Jin? She just started here and now you want me to fire her? I thought you wanted her to have the job in the first place?"

Kim Seokjin relaxed into his reclining chair, fingers pinching his nose bridge a little hard as he sighed, a type that was purely out of frustration, making the male before him suddenly curious

"You okay?"

He breath out "No, does it look like I am Jimin?"

Jimin pulled out a chair and sat before him "What did she do? Did she piss you off so bad that's why you want her fired?"

Kim Seokjin gave him a puzzling look. Since when did Jimin start thinking people who worked for him were ever his problem? He could get them the hell out of his company by the snap of a finger if they were becoming unbearable, he just rather preferred Jimin handled most of that.

As if he heard his thoughts, Jimin pressed his lips together in a thin line "People normally don't bother you, so something else is definitely wrong what's up? Tell me"

Seokjin sat up, hands folding over his chest "It's Hyewon"

"Hyewonie? Your wife? What's wrong? She's an angel by the way. I've met her at the house more than once and she's so welcoming"

Seokjin kept his gaze on Jimin. Then said "And she looks like the same woman you've always known?"

He didn't miss the questioning look Jimin gave him "what do you mean? Of course she does why?"

"I don't know Jimin, maybe because she looks a whole lot different" he swallowed before he continued "She seems to be less more expressive than usual, she isn't the type to act all clumsy and disorganized, she's actually quite collected for a lady. But recently she almost looks like a new person, hiding away from me at every chance, running into her room whenever I get home from work and the most nerve wrecking part of it all, her eyes are so different from that of the Hyewon I know.
It's funny because I think I've gazed into those pair of eyes before for a long time actually, I just can't remember on who or where"

Jimin gave him a knowing nod as if to say here you go again. "I've known you for a very long time Seokjin, you read meanings Into even the smallest things. People do not get along with you because you evaluate them a little to much, sometimes I wonder how she married you actually" He laughed when Seokjin glared at him. Waving his hands dismissively

"Okay okay, what I'm trying to say is I'm sure it's just your mind making everything up and playing tricks on you, of course she's still your wife maybe you both just need more time to get to know eachother and then maybe everything will fall into place, I mean y'all didn't exactly get married in a favorable condition"

"You think so?"

Jimin noded "I know so"

"Whatever" he returned to his work, but not forgetting to add "Dont forget to fire that incompetent fellow"

Jimin face palmed.

Securing her apron properly over her neck, Jisoo looked him in the eye for the up tenth time

"How do I prove to you that I'm not lying? You've been telling me to look into your eyes and tell you, well this is me doing that again for heaven knows how long, I have no idea where Hyewon is Jungkook"

His head fell into his elbow placed on the counter as he groaned into it. It's been over two months and everyday was gradually becoming worse, he felt like he was living a life that wasn't rightfully his and with just one slip at any time, Kim Seokjin will find out all he's been up to.

His mother on the other hand will have his head as steak if that happened and the one that scared him the most, who fucking knows what Kim Seokjin will do to him still? The man was a powerful man both in the entertainment industry and the business world, putting a mere student like him behind bars for years would literally be nothing for him.

Also his education was suffering, his finals were fast approaching yet he couldn't even attend classes properly, he was stuck between changing outfits all the damn time that it left him exhausted at the end of every day. Don't even get him started on how demanding his girlfriend had become. He actually thought after telling her she would become a lot more understanding but it turned out to be the other way around as she always wanted him back at their dorm but for fucks sake he couldn't sleep out. He was married remember?

Did he somehow hate his sister? Yes he did. He could never forgive her for this, she promised to come back, she said it'll take just a few weeks, now it's been over two freaking months. Why did she have to ruin his life his way

He felt a warm hand placed over his, causing him to lift his head up

"Jungkook I'm so sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted__"

"Hell yea you're right!" He seethed through his teeth "I want non of this, I never wanted to be part of any of this. I had my whole life ahead of me, now I'm stuck in this phase, married to a man I'm not even supposed to"

Sound of cameras clicking from afar caused both of them to shoot their heads towards the direction. A group of women whispering amongst themselves "isn't that his wife, she looks like Kim Seokjin's wife, the handsome model" some continued clicking away while others pretended to have done nothing.

That was when it dawned on him he had come out of the house in his female clothing, forgetting to go back to the dorm to change.

Jisoo was livid, making an attempt to go over to the women in the coffee shop to shun them away, but Jungkook held her back by gripping her wrist, shaking his head as tears gathered in his eyes.

Happy New Year Everyone💜

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