Chapter 15

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When Jungkook finally creaked his eyes open the next morning, he groaned into his pillow. How was he still alive he thought, with his impulsive actions last night, he was sure to have been deceased in his sleep by now.

He contemplated packing his stuff up and running away or returning to the dorm to hide away in oblivion. Anyone he intended on doing was only going to keep him safe for a couple of days before Kim Seokjin had his head as steak.

He gripped his hair out to sheer frustration, hitting his hand against his mattress continuously "Jeon Jungkook you're so stupid, stupid I tell you" he whined in exasperation.

Just then he heard a knock on his door and he froze on the spot for a bit, body going pliant in shock, He definitely heard wrong but then the knock came again followed by a thick and crispy clear voice

"Hyewon you in there?"

Jungkook jumped down from his bed instantly, his heart thumping heavily in his ears, the room was cold due to the air conditioner being on but still, sweat glistened his forehead forming beads of sweats that ran down his face.

Kim Seokjin spoke again "Um it's okay though" he began "About last night let's act like it never happened. I know you're not so comfortable around me yet so I won't hold it over your head believe me" he stopped midway, listening to the shuffling sound at the other side of the door "But you'll have to make it up to me though don't you think that's only fair after what you've done?"

Make it up to you? Tf how was he supposed to do that Jungkook thought.

"I'm leaving for work now but I'd really like to take you out to dinner tonight Hyewon do you think you can do that for me? You don't really need to give me an answer right away, just text me if you eventually decide. Do have a nice day, and I'd be waiting patiently for a reply" he said before scurrying off.

Jungkook heaved a sigh of relief, although it did absolutely nothing in calming his heightened nerves. The Kim Seokjin asked him out to dinner? Was he dreaming or was he simply hallucinating in the wee hours of the morning? He grabbed the edge of the bed absentmindedly with one hand while rubbing over his chest with the other. His heart was indeed drumming at an uncontrollably pace.

Jolting up properly, he picked up his phone from his bedside drawer dialing Jisoo again, It was way too early to disturb her sleep but he didn't care. Somebody needed to help him through his current crisis.

"You look terrible" Jisoo chortled out when Jungkook pulled out an island stool taking a seat across from her and resting his hand over the counter.

He feigned a tight smile "Just what the hell were you expecting? I could barely close my eyes through out the entire night"


Jungkook shot her a pointed and unbelievable look. She was way older and he didn't mean to be disrespectful but was she crazy? Or did her memory from yesterday suddenly got wiped out by aliens? "Nonna I called you last night right?" He had to ask to make sure he himself wasn't being delusional.

She nodded her head "So?"

"So!" Jungkook almost yelled "So? I remember vividly telling you I freaking allowed my dumb stupid ass kiss the nations most beloved super model without thinking and you're asking me so?" He facepalmed.

She chuckled slightly ditching her cleaning napkin and resting her elbows on the counter top "I know but what's the big deal Kookie you clearly like him"

"And that's okay?"

"Well yes" she says with a shrug of her shoulders "from what i can see or rather from all you've been telling me, he kinda likes you too. You sh__"

"You've got to be kidding me" Jungkook says cutting her off halfway "you think he likes me? Nonna you're not helping my delusions here, if anything you're only fueling my anxiety. Does it not even bother you a little that I'm a straight guy and might I remind you have a girlfriend? A very hot one at that" he was really trying to pass his point across as candid as he could sound.

Jisoo couldn't help but chuckle again, loudly this time "since when are we putting tags on gender? Straight? You think you're straight but you kissed a man out of your own free will Jungkook, doesn't tell you something? anything at all?"

"Of course it does"

She grinned "what?"

"That I'm crazy!"

Her smile disappeared immediately and she rolled her eyes "You're not! Jungkook can you stop and maybe start seeing the positive and brighter side to this?"

"Nonna I can't see anything because there's absolutely no positive side to this" he sounded defeated, allowing his head fall on the counter top in sheer agony "I've gone crazy, fucking crazy. I should just leave that house for a while to get my senses back in order before completely going insane" he grumbled nonstop.

Jisoo shook her head in pity, only God knew what exactly was going through his mind "Hot chocolate? Don't worry it's on the house"

Jungkook nodded "please?"


A few minutes went by before Jisoo returned placing a mug of steaming hot chocolate before the boy whose head was still bent down "Yah! Here's your drink"

Jungkook lifted his up head nodding appreciatively while bringing the mug up to his lips. He took a sip, another and then another until the hot content was cascading down his throat soothing some tensed and dried up taste buds along the way.

He looked up at Jisoo who had shifted a little from his direction to attend to two customers who had walked into the cafe. He sighed deeply as he must have been so lost in thought he didn't hear the door to the cafe opening. Downing the remaining content in one go, he placed the empty mug back down on the counter top.

He contemplated telling Jisoo about the supposed dinner date with Kim Seokjin but decided against it as more customers began trooping into the cafe to start their day.

That day Jungkook returned to the dorm in despair, turning off his phone and keeping everyone at arms length. He needed to think, needed to know if this whole charade was worth keeping up with now that his poor heart was starting to betray him in ways he couldn't quite comprehend.

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