Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Walking down the aisle to Louis was like being in a dream to where you are afraid you will wake up any minute. I saw the look in his eyes.

They were filled with nothing but love. The smile on his face was one full of promises. Loni gave me over to Louis, and once our hands touched, we knew we would never let go from this point on, into eternity.

Jim announced that we were husband and wife, and the crowd went wild, cheering and applauding. Louis and I kissed, but it was no ordinary small kiss that most do.

This one was passionate and filled with promises yet to come.

It was a kiss built on fairy tales and romance, secret love and flowers that bloom at dawn.

We walked down the aisle, holding onto each other, smiling at the crowd.

We walked to our wagon, so the ring could be transformed into our reception.

The crew put up three more even larger tents to hold everyone. This was the only time that the circus was allowing the guests to stay and socialize with the members of the circus.

Once we were in the wagon and the door was locked, Louis pulled me to him and kissed me with so much passion that I wanted him right then and there.

"Soon we will head to our home, where I am going to ravish every inch of this amazing body of yours, and we can mark each other as husband and wife" he growled as he nipped at my neck.

I let out a moan of pleasure and excitement for what was going to be happening tonight.

We got our pictures taken with a ton of people, everyone loved our shows and couldn't wait to come back once we started them up again. We were going to be taking a few weeks off for our honeymoon.

There was dancing and food, and everyone was having a grand time.

Before we called it a night, we had the crowd going wild as our song came on.

Louis took my hand and in the middle of the dance floor, we danced our waltz, never once looking away from each other.

We were not transported to another time; this was our time. We had found our happy ending, but this was just the beginning of our fairytale.

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