Chapter Twenty-Four

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Once we were home, Louis wheeled me towards the food tent.

"I thought I needed bed rest?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You are on bed rest my sweet, but we are stopping here to get you some food since you are going to be in my wagon for the next week" he said.

Once we entered, everyone cheered and there was a sign that read 'Congratulations Momma.' I laughed and cried at the same time.

"Everyone was busy setting this up," Lizzy said standing next to me.

"How did you all know?" I said looking at her.

"Louis got a hold of Jim and explained what was going on" she said.

I looked up at Louis as he looked down and smiled.

"You needed something happy to come home to" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

For the next hour I sat there talking with everyone, Lizzy was determined to throw me a baby shower once I was out of danger.

I agreed to it, I looked around and everyone was excited that I was pregnant and that there was going to be a baby born here amongst family.

"Where's Tony?" I asked, looking around for him but I didn't see him anywhere.

"He took off when you went to the hospital, he hasn't been back since" Lizzy said looking at me. I put my hand to my stomach.

"Oh" was all I said.

"Lizzy can you wheel me to the animal tent, I want to see Thunder" I asked her. She looked at Louis and he nodded his head.

"I will be there in a bit to get you settled" Louis said as he kissed the top of my head. Something that he had been doing lately.

Once we were outside, Lizzy was pushing me towards the tent.

"Why does he keep doing that?" I asked her, she laughed.

"That is how vampires show affection to someone that they care for and want to be with but they're unsure of the other person's feelings" she said.

I didn't respond to that.

I saw Thunder and Lizzy wheeled me to his stall. "I will be right back; I'm going to move some of your stuff over to Louis', so you are comfortable there" she said as she walked out.

"How is my boy?" I asked him as he bent his head down for me to rub his forehead.

I heard a noise and looked over and saw Tony standing there. Our eyes locked onto each other. He didn't say a word.

"I was looking for you," I said quietly.

"I didn't want to bother you since you need time to heal" he said walking over to me.

"Heal?" I was confused.

"You lost our baby, didn't you?" he asked almost in a whisper.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him down so I could look him right in the eyes.

"Tony, I didn't lose the baby, I'm still pregnant but on bed rest for a week so I don't lose the baby" I said.

His face changed to something resembling joy.

"You mean we have a little one still in here?" he asked as his hand went to my stomach, gently rubbing in circles.

"Yes, our baby is still there" I said with a tear about to spill over.

Tony grabbed my face and kissed me with so much passion. Pulling back a little I looked at him.

"I ended it with that woman, it wasn't serious, but I messed up big time. I want to make it up to you" he said.

"Well, you have time to try, I will be staying with Louis for the week since the doctor put him in charge of me" I said looking at him.

Letting him know he should have been the one there with me instead.

"Okay, I will talk with Louis and let him know I will help take care of you" he said as he stood up, Tony's face changed as Louis walked into the tent.

"My sweet, are you ready?" Louis asked, walking over and taking a hold of my chair.

"I'm ready," I said, looking at Tony.

Louis wheeled me around and we left, when we got to his wagon, I had to laugh.

Lizzy had redecorated Louis' wagon into a female luxury hotel.

"She just had to, didn't she?" Louis asked as he carried me to the bed.

"Of course, she did," I said, smiling up at him. Louis just rolled his eyes.

For the next couple of days, Louis was always by my side, taking excellent care of me.

We spent half the night talking and laughing.

He told me his adventures and how he kept himself from going insane over the centuries. Lizzy was constantly stopping by, making sure I was good.

Tomorrow she was going to take me for a walk to 'get some fresh air' as she put it.

I hadn't seen much of Tony; he would stop by every so often to check on me. But he would never stay long.

"He is a demon Lilly; they don't know how to care for someone like you" Louis said as he brought me dinner.

"Well, that is just stupid" I said as I was shoveling the food into my mouth.

Louis couldn't stop laughing when I went on a rant about everything. 

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