Chapter Thirty-Four

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"We need to get you two bassinets for the twins, plus a bunch of clothes" Lizzy said as we walked into a baby store.

I stopped and took it all in, there was so much stuff, I didn't know where to begin. Lizzy grabbed a cart, and we walked over to the newborn section.

I grabbed about ten onesies, a few burp cloths and four packages of newborn diapers and wipes, putting them into the cart.

"Be right back, I want to check something out" she said as she left the store. I smiled and shook my head. Lizzy ran on her own time.

I stopped at the clothes, looking at an outfit that was just too adorable to pass up, I put it in the cart.

"I think our little ones need these," Tony said as he came up behind me. I took a deep breath before turning around.

"Tony, what are you doing?"

"I decided that I need to step up and be a better father and husband to my wife" he said as he grabbed the cart and stood there looking at me.

"Tony, we aren't married" I said with a sigh, I wanted this to be a nice relaxing day, now with Tony here, my nerves were going to shit.

"Just let me experience this with you, this moment. Please?" He said, and I nodded and went to look at more clothes. I picked up a few outfits and he walked over to me.

"These outfits are so small," he whispered.

"I know, hard to believe our little ones are going to be small like this" I said with a smile.

His hand went to my stomach, gently rubbing in circles.

"I can't wait to see them grow inside of you, watching you get bigger, supporting our babies, and once they are born, how tender you will be with them" he said looking down at me.

A tear slowly slid down my cheek, Tony used his finger to gently wipe it away.

"I love you Lilly, you are the only one I want and need in my life. I knew it the first day you walked into the circus. Seeing you look at me with a tiny smile on your lips. My heart began to race.

A demon who was scared of a tiny woman that held so much power inside of her."

I leaned my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes, remembering that first day. How handsome he was standing there.

How my heart raced when our eyes first locked onto each other.

"I miss those moments, those days where we couldn't get enough of each other" I whispered. His arms came around me and held onto me.

"I promise you Lilly, let me show you" he whispered.

"I'm with Louis now Tony, I am like him. Our babies will be like me, half demon, half vampire" I said. I heard him inhale sharply.

He moved my hair and saw Louis' mark on my neck.

He didn't say another word but walked out of the store. And there went the demon who still held part of my heart but that was why I couldn't let him have the rest.

I knew when I became like Louis, that Tony wouldn't ever accept me again. That was the choice I made, and I would make it all over again.

My heart was with Louis now. Tony had a chance, and he threw my heart and my love away.

I wiped my eyes, as I turned around, I saw Lizzy and Louis standing there. How long they had been there, I had no idea but the look on Lizzy's face told me they had been there long enough.

Louis came over and wiped my eyes, kissing the top of my head.

I wrapped my arms around him, holding onto him. "I've got you my sweet," was all he said. I knew at that moment that Louis was my forever.

"Let's shop for our babies" Louis said as he kissed me tenderly.

I just nodded, Lizzy and Louis and I walked around, for a while I was still in a haze, trying to get out of it. Tony still affected me, but I had to put a stop to it.

I had the perfect man right in front of me and I wasn't going to let that go over a dream.

After a little while, Lizzy got me laughing and soon all three of us were joking around.

Louis and I bought enough to fill one of the rooms at our home, since we were going to turn it into a nursery.

"Let's go to lunch" Lizzy said as she took my hand and pulled me towards the park.

Louis put all our stuff into the truck, and he caught up to us. "Why in the park?" I asked, looking around.

"Because why not," Lizzy said laughing. I shrugged my shoulders. She was right, why not?

There was a spot all set up, with a blanket, and a picnic basket, I had to smile. So that's where she had gone, sneaky but I loved it, and her.

The three of us sat there, eating, and talking about the shows, what else we could add to it. It was the perfect afternoon.

"I have a question" Louis said, and we turned to look at him.

Louis got up and bent down on one knee in front of me.

"Lilly, even though we will be together for eternity, I want you by my side as my wife. I have waited a lifetime to find the right woman who completes me.

The first day I saw you standing in your wagon, that little smirk you had on your face when you saw me.

I knew right then and there that this woman was special, will you do the honor of being my wife, and the mother to our babies?" he asked.

I got up and smiled, placing my hands on either side of his face.

"Yes Louis, I would love to be your wife" I said as he slipped on the ring. Our kiss was soft at first, but as it deepened the more passionate it became.

Lizzy was crying and clapping. I put my forehead to Louis'.

"When can we get married?" I asked him and we all laughed.

"How about at your show in two days?" Lizzy said with a smile that could light up the night sky.

"That would be perfect for me," Louis said, looking at me.

"Then let's plan our wedding," I said laughing. We packed up and took everything to the truck.

Louis' bike was sitting next to the truck.

"Go on, go ride with your soon to be husband" Lizzy said as she hugged me.

"You deserve this and more," she said.

"You are going to be in my wedding" I said as I put the helmet on and climbed onto the back of the bike.

She waved as I wrapped my arms around Louis. We took off heading towards our home first.

Once we got to our house, Louis carried me over the threshold, and I smiled.

"Practice makes perfect," he said as he kissed me, walking towards our bedroom.

Indeed, it does, I thought.

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