Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Tomorrow night is our show" Louis said as we were walking back to the animal tent.

"I think we will be in perfect shape for it" I said smiling. As we walked into the tent, Tony was leaning against the beam that was in the middle of the tent.

"Hi," I said, smiling at Tony.

"Where have you been?"

"Out for lunch, remember? You didn't want to go" I said.

Louis walked by and went to tend to the horses while I stood in front of Tony.

Louis knew that things between Tony and I needed to be resolved without any interference from him.

I could tell by Louis' stance he didn't like Tony's tone, but I had to give him credit for staying quiet.

"Yeah, I remember, you seemed comfortable on the back of his bike"

"I was," I said looking at him.

Tony just looked at me, neither one of us moving or talking.

"What is going on Tony?" I asked finally.

"I don't know Lilly; it seems that no matter what I do I keep messing things up. I miss how we were before everything that went on between us"


"Well then why don't we just end it, so it can go back to how it was before anything happened between us" I said, holding back the tears. He didn't get to see those.

"Maybe it would be for the best" he said, and he turned and walked away.

I just stood there, mouth hanging open. I didn't know how to respond to that comment from him. I knew we had issues, but I didn't think he would give up this easily.

"Wow, some demon you are. You are a coward" I yelled at him. That stopped him in his tracks. I stood there with my hands on my hips.

"Lilly, be careful with demons," Louis said quietly.

Tony turned around and he was no longer the man, but he was in fact in his demon form. I looked at him and I wasn't impressed.

I walked outside, far enough away so nothing could get destroyed.

Tony followed me out.

"You think I'm a coward?" he growled.

"Yes, I think you are, things are tough right now between us. You haven't been around when I needed you. You regret binding me to you.

Well, you know what Tony, fuck you" I yelled.

I could tell Tony has never had anyone go after him like I was doing, especially when he was in demon form.

He walked over to where I was standing and looked down at me.

"Do you realize who I am?" he asked.

I had to laugh at that.

"Do you think I actually care anymore, because you're not the man or demon that I fell in love with" I said.

That took him by surprise. Everyone was gathering around, but they stayed at a safe distance.

"I love you Lilly, but I can't be with you," he said.

"As I said Tony, you're fucking coward and fuck you" I had said what I wanted to say, and I turned to walk away from him.

"Don't turn your back on me" he said as he grabbed my arm. I spun around and yanked my arm out of his grasp.

"Don't you ever touch me again" I growled right back at him.

I turned my back to him and walked away with my head held high. Lizzy was there and shook her head at Tony. She came to walk beside me, and I looked at her.

"I'm on your side, we are sisters" she said as she looped her arm through mine, I smiled at her.

"Thank you" I said, and we walked towards the food tent. I needed to feed my babies and enjoy myself before the show tonight.

"Lilly, can I see you for a moment?" Jim asked.

"Of course, Jim" I said walking over to him.

"I am impressed that you stood up to Tony, standing up to the main demon isn't easy and I know that he gave you the markings to kill him, but you never once used them"

"I wouldn't do that to him, I will always love him, Jim. He has a part of my soul inside of him" I said with a sad smile.

"Well, we are your family, and we will help you in every way we can," he said.

I hugged him and whispered a thank you. He was stunned at first, but he hugged me back.

"Now go eat and have fun with your show. I am looking forward to it tonight" Jim said with a wink. I walked away with a smile as Louis and Lizzy were waiting for me.

I never once looked back at Tony, even though I knew he heard everything that I just told Jim.

I did love him, and he did have a part of my soul inside of him.

That night when we marked each other, he hadn't realized I had taken a part of my soul and put it into his body.

Tony looked down where his heart would have been and noticed a tattoo of a lily on his chest.

He dropped to his knees, tears falling down his face. For the first time in his never ending life, he was actually crying.

I turned to look at him and saw he finally had seen what I gave him all those nights ago.

He looked at me and I shook my head, I turned around and walked into the food tent with Louis.

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