Chapter Twenty-One

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"What the hell?" I said out loud, standing in the bathroom after my shower.

Lizzy walked in and gasped. I turned and looked at her.

"What did he do to me?" I asked almost in tears.

She put her head down and shook it.

"He marked you Lilly, he put his brand on you" she said quietly. She walked over to me, and we stood looking in the mirror.

I had intricate lines all over my body and face. They were all in black and dark red.

Tears were flowing as I kept seeing new lines all over the place.

"When I said to mark me, I meant a hickey not this" I said looking at Lizzy.

"I know you did, but he has seen you with Louis, and those two have a history. You see Louis stole Tony's fiancé" she said.

I blinked a few times.

"Say that again? Tony was to be married before?"

"Oh shit, he never told you," Lizzy said with a sigh.

"It was over six hundred years ago, Tony was deeply in love with her, and before they could be married, she met Louis one night.

Louis, being a vampire, seduced her and she left Tony for Louis.

Louis ended up being with her for over fifty years before she died. She didn't want to be a vampire." Lizzy said as we stood there talking.

Everything was starting to click now. How sweet Louis was with me, and the issues with Tony. Now he has marked me as his for the world to see.

I let out an aggravated breath. I grabbed my stuff and walked out to go to my wagon.

Everyone that saw me stared and gasped, I could hear whispers about last night and now they could all see me covered in demon tattoos.

I went into my wagon, and thankfully Tony wasn't there, I sat on the bed. I wasn't sure what to do, when I heard a knock at my open door, I turned my head and I saw Louis standing there.

His smile dropped when he saw what had happened to me and he could tell that I wasn't happy about it.

I had never seen a vampire pissed before, and let me tell you, you don't want to.

I heard him call out Tony's name, it was what I imagined the sound of death calling would sound like. My body shivered at how fast the temperature dropped.

I grabbed my blanket and curled up on the bed. At this point I figured those two could deal with each other, I had a show to do in about six hours.

I could hear yelling and curses being thrown around and a name I had never heard before. "Dynasty," so that must be the name of the woman that Tony was once in love with.

Now I was apparently to pay for her sins against Tony, for falling in love with Louis.


I threw my leggings on to go riding. I just wanted to feel the air against my skin and the freedom of riding with no one else around.

I walked out of my wagon, shutting and locking the door, Louis and Tony were still arguing as I walked into the animal tent.

Thunder was standing there, looking at me.

"I know, I don't need you to say it as well" I said to Thunder, he snorted but didn't say anything else. I went over to him and kissed him on his forehead.

"How about going for a ride right now?" I asked him.

I brushed him and put his tack on, he seemed to know what I was doing and wanted to just go out and enjoy himself also.

I climbed up onto the saddle and we walked out of the animal barn.

We took the path that led to a beautiful spot that had a creek running through it.

As Thunder was walking, I was listening to the bird's chirp, the sound of the breeze as it caressed the grass while it went by.

I could hear the sound of the water, running over some of the rocks in the creek as it moved downstream.

We stopped for a bit, I dismounted and tied his reins together so he could wander around and not step on the reins.

Thunder went to get a drink, then walked a little to graze on the grass a bit.

I sat down on a large rock that was near the creek. The sun was shining down, I sat there basking in the warmth of the sun.

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, hoping my nerves for tonight's show didn't get even worse in lieu of the argument I was sure was still happening. I knew the routine and I was excited for it.

"A picture is worth a thousand words," Tony said quietly. I didn't even want to look at him right now.

He climbed on the rock and sat behind me, wrapping his arms around me, my body instantly leaned back against him.

"I can't undo what you asked for my love, you said you wanted me to mark you, so I did. I marked you with the only thing that I could give you. I gave you my life" he whispered into my ear.

"What do you mean your life?"

"The markings I gave you, that are all over your body, those are the sigils that can destroy me, my love. My life is in your hands" he said quietly.

I turned my body around and my legs went over his, looking into his eyes

"You gave me what can kill you?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yes, even demons can be killed only one way, and I gave you, my life. That is how much I love you Lilly" he said as we looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you Tony, Louis is my friend and partner for the show, we have to trust each other" I said.

"Do you regret being with me?" he asked.

"Never, I want you. But you could have talked to me and not sprung this work upon my body" I said.

"I'm sorry for that, but you do look beautiful" he said as he looked at me.

My body was reacting to him differently.

"Why is my body on fire, every time we are near each other?"

He smiled a beautiful smile.

"Because my love, I also gave you a piece of myself that I have never been able to give, we can't give it away until we find our other half" he said, kissing me.

My eyes flew open. Tony sat there looking at me, waiting for a reaction.

"Are you telling me that I am pregnant with your child?"

"Too early to tell, but I believe so, are you okay with that?" he asked.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with everything I had in me.

"I take that as a yes?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm excited and I hope I am, and if not, we just keep trying" I said, and he laughed.

"That is a deal sweetheart" he said as he picked me up and laid me on the grass.

For the next hour, we made love to each other, right there in the open with the sun on our skin.

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