Chapter nineteen

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"Again, Lilly, this show has to be perfect. The horses are on point, but you are slacking in your steps" Louis said, while sitting there eating popcorn of all things.

"I thought vampires couldn't eat food" I said through gritted teeth.

Louis just laughed and kept eating. Ugh he was infuriating some days.

"Why does it have to be so perfect?" I asked, stopping the horses for a moment.

"Because I will be joining you, and my sweet, it has to be just right" he said right behind me, which made me jump. Damn vampires and their stealth.

Louis made sure no one was allowed into the tent while we were working. Tony didn't like this, but the order came from Jim, so everyone had to respect it.

Louis took my hand in his and put my other hand on his arm. His other hand went around my waist, and he pulled me close to his body.

"The myth about vampires being cold is wrong" I muttered; I could feel his heat radiating from him. He looked down and winked.

He had taught me how to waltz earlier.

So now when the horses were going around, he would move in behind me and put me in a trance so to speak. Then we would dance the waltz while the horses would do their dance. He had it all choreographed down to the last step. I do have to admit, Louis is amazing at what he sets his mind to.

By the end of Thursday, everything was perfect. The horses knew what to do, and even I knew my steps. Louis picked me up in a hug and twirled me around.

"I am so proud at how much you have learned, and you worked your ass off Lilly" he said while holding me.

I was face to face with him, looking into his eyes, and there was something beautiful there. It was a place he kept hidden away from almost everyone.

But for a brief moment, he showed me something special and magical. I smiled, not realizing my body was melting against his.

Our hearts mingled as if they knew each other. We didn't move as the music was playing in the background. And I was transported to a time of ball gowns, and high ceilings. Horse drawn carriages and walking together side by side yearning to touch one another but knowing it would be against the rules of society.

I longed for a moment like that.

Looking at your suitor, longing to feel his lips on yours. Wanting to be touched ever so softly by his strong yet tender hands.

"Lilly" he whispered as we were locked in that moment in time.

"Louis" I whispered back, not breaking eye contact. Not wanting to let go of this moment between us. I saw his teeth lengthen, and I wanted to feel his lips on my neck as his teeth sank into my skin.

I could feel his body against mine.

I moved my head ever so slightly to expose my neck to him, I wanted to feel and experience what he was offering.

Very tenderly he kissed that spot on my neck, as he inhaled my scent.

"Another place, another time my sweet" he said as I looked at him, and he brought his lips to mine for just a moment that was so tender and so romantic.

He set me down and exhaled.

"You, my sweet are what dreams are made of" he said and turned off the music.

The atmosphere of romance and magic was gone, replaced by horses snorting and a bucket of cold hard reality was back.

I composed myself as I took the horses back to their stalls. Tomorrow was Friday and we decided to give the horses a day off. We were going to take the day off and enjoy the day, whatever it may bring.

That evening at dinner, I was sitting with Lizzy and the family. Tony was talking with a few other people across from us. I glanced back and saw Louis sitting with Jim and Loni. He turned and looked at me and gave me a slight wink. I gave him a smile that was filled with warmth just for him.

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