Chapter Seven

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After lunch, I walked out with a bridle and some grooming tack. I set everything down by the paddock. Thunder, who was the main bad boy of the horses, watched me and curiosity got the better of him.

He walked over as I leaned against the fence, eating an apple. He sniffed everything and then looked at what I was eating.

After a few bites, I offered it to him, and he took it as I knew he would. What horse passes up an apple?

I took the curry brush and gently brushed him, watching for signs he wasn't liking it.

After a while, he stood there grazing as I brushed him and cleaned his hooves.

All the other horses let me clean them as well. Once I was finished, I gave each one a sugar cube. Sometimes a little bribery goes a long way.

I grabbed the bridle and showed it to Thunder. He sniffed it and just stood there, letting me put it on top of his halter.

Here's the moment of truth, I thought.

I put the blanket on him and walked him over to the fence so I could climb onto his back.

He came willingly, and he stood there while I got onto his back. I kept patting his neck and praising him. We walked around the paddock for a while, getting used to each other, and once he saw I would not mistreat him, we went for a nice enjoyable ride.

I dismounted from him and took off his bridle and blanket. Brushing him down once more, I kissed his nose and left. Tony was sitting under a tree watching me. I smiled and waved at him.

"I could sit all day long watching you work with those horses," he said, standing up and taking the tack from me. We walked to the area in the animal tent that housed the tack.

"My dear girl, you did amazing on your first day. You can take off and enjoy the rest of your day.

Tomorrow we will see how well you do with the lions," Loni said with a wink. I just smiled and walked out with Tony.

"I need to take a shower after today," I said with a small laugh.

"Get your things and I will wait here for you, then I will show you where the women shower." Tony said as he sat under the lone giant willow tree.

"Okay," I said and walked off to my wagon, saying hi to the few people I knew on the way.

I grabbed a towel, a fresh set of clothes, and my bag of stuff for the bathroom.

"So, you work with the lions tomorrow. That means you will be with me," Ted said, he was waiting for me outside of my wagon when I came out.

"It should be an interesting day then," I said, smiling at him, and turned to walk away.

Ted walked next to me.

"You know, I'm a much better catch than Tony. Maybe you shouldn't just stick with him. You might get the reputation of a freak," he said as he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him.

I looked at my arm and then up at him. Was he good looking, very, was he tall and muscular? Yes. But what ruined it was his attitude.

"Take your hand off my arm Ted," I said through clenched teeth. He let go of me, but stood over me as he looked down.

"I can make you happy Lilly," he said as he was leaning down. I knew what he was trying to do, and I wasn't having it.

I stepped back and pointed at him.

"We will work together, but that is it. I like Tony and if that makes me a freak, then I am happy with that. They are good people, not freaks," I said and walked away.

Ted looked up and saw Lizzy, Tony, a few others as well as Jim standing there looking at him with unhappy looks.

Ted just turned and walked away.

I looked up and saw them standing there. The smile on Lizzy's and Tony's face said everything that I needed to know.

Lizzy put her arm around me.

"Welcome to the freak family" she said laughing, and I laughed with her.

"No other place would I rather be," I said, and Tony walked up beside me.

"That's good, because I'm not letting you be anywhere else," he said with a wink. I put my hand in his as the three of us walked towards the showers.

"You know, Jim, she is special. The way she is with the animals and how she has taken so well to Tony and his group," Loni said as he and Jim stood there watching.

"That she is, and for Tony to take to her as he did. The boogeyman does not fall in love. A demon from hell in love with an angel," Jim said as he and Loni walked away.

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