Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sitting in the doctor's office was okay except for the fact that I had Louis on one side of me and Tony on the other side.

The doctor walked in and had a surprised look on his face.

"Don't ask" I mumbled, and he nodded his head.

"Well, Lilly, it looks like you are in the clear. Your little ones are doing just fine. Strong heartbeats, your plug is intact. You are off bed rest, but no heavy lifting and nothing strenuous"

"What about sex?" Tony asked and I covered my face with my hands. Louis groaned.

The doctor chuckled.

"As long as it's not too hard core, I would say she is perfectly fine for it as long as she feels comfortable" the doctor looked at me and I nodded.

"I will see you in about a month for your first ultrasound," he said and left the room.

"I can't believe you asked that," I said as I got off the table to get dressed.

"What? I want sex with you, and I want to make sure you are okay" Tony said standing there with his arms crossed.

I took off my paper gown, standing there naked with my back to Louis and Tony. I heard an inhale from one of the guys and I stood there smirking without them seeing me.

Once dressed I turned around, I saw Tony's eyes had gotten darker and Louis had a smirk on his face.

"I'm ready" I said and walked out of the room, Louis and Tony followed me to the truck.

Tony helped me in the front as Louis got into the back, sitting right behind me.

Tony got in and started up the truck.

"Let's go out for lunch" I said looking at both Tony and Louis.

"Sounds good to me," Louis said.

"I need to get back, I have something new I am working on for the show, so I will drive back then you both can go enjoy lunch" he said starting up the truck.

I sat back looking out the window, looking in the side mirror, I could see Louis sitting there looking at me. I could see something in his eyes, but I wasn't sure what.

Once back at the circus, Tony hopped out and walked away, leaving Louis and me sitting there.

"Well, okay then" I said, getting out. Louis got out and held out his arm, I looped mine through his and he took me over to show me something.

"I bought this a while back and I wanted to see if you wanted to go for a ride on it" he said walking me to where we parked the cars and trucks.

There sat a shiny black motorcycle. It was gorgeous. I smiled and walked over to it. Seeing two helmets.

I noticed on the back one said "My Sweet" I laughed and looked at Louis.

"I was hoping you liked motorcycles and wanted your own helmet," he said quietly.

"I love it and yes I want to go for a ride" I said.

Louis smiled and helped put the helmet on after I was sitting on the bike.

Louis stood there for a moment, looking at me as an expression passed over his face.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"It is now" he said as he climbed on. He put his helmet on, and I leaned forward wrapping my arms around his waist. He started it up, and I could feel the bike beneath me, feel the power of it purring, ready to roar down the road.

"You ready my sweet?"

"Always" I said with a laugh. I was beyond excited.

He took off slowly at first, then he sped past everyone and out of the gate. I was holding on to him for dear life but enjoying every moment of it.

I heard the bike and saw Lilly sitting on the back, wrapped around Louis.

"You should be fighting for her, instead of being an idiot," Lizzy said, watching Lilly with Louis.

"Whatever Lizzy" I said as I stood there watching them drive away.

"Don't whatever me, she is pregnant with your babies, she is in love with you. But you are giving her every reason to look towards Louis for companionship, which will turn to love eventually.

Especially when Louis is giving her everything, she wants from you Tony" Lizzy said as she walked away shaking her head.

I knew Lizzy was right, I was pushing Lilly away, and for what? I had no idea why I was. But I knew Louis had been the one taking care of Lilly, when she needed me the most.

Louis had been the one there for her every time she needed help. My head dropped forward, I knew if I didn't step up my game, the love of my life might end up with Louis. And I couldn't blame her one bit.

Louis drove us through town, into the countryside. I kept my arms wrapped around him, hugging him. I felt safe with Louis.

That should tell you something right there, I thought. Was I falling for Louis? He was the one that was always there for me, no questions asked.

Maybe I was falling for Louis. He was giving me everything that I wanted and needed.

I loved Tony, but the question was, is Tony still in love with me?

I felt the bike slow down, there was a small cottage that Louis was pulling up to. He shut off the bike. And helped me off of it.

Taking off the helmet, I looked around. It was beautiful, weeping willows everywhere, with wildflowers lining the dirt driveway.

Flowers were in the window boxes; English ivy was climbing the house.

The house looked like it was out of a fairytale.

"Do you like this place?" Louis asked, standing next to me.

"I love this place" I said, in awe as I was taking everything in.

"Good, this is my place" he said, as he took my hand and led me to the front door.

"This is all yours?" I asked.

"It's been in the family for the past three hundred years" he said with a wink.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Once inside, it was stunning. Hard wood floors everywhere, the walls were a soft beige color with white trim.

Paintings filled the walls in almost every room. The family room was spacious, with two overstuffed couches, a fireplace, and bookshelves lined one wall floor to ceiling.

The kitchen was perfect for two people, if they were cooking together.

There was a small pantry off of the kitchen. There was a den that was his office. Cute and small, but it was for work.

Down the hallway, there was a bathroom, and two bedrooms.

The bathroom was a full bathroom. It held a garden tub with jets instead of a regular tub. The shower could fit two people comfortably.

The second bedroom was a nice size. A queen bed, two dressers and a nightstand.

The main bedroom, holy hell. It held a California king size bed in the middle of the room, and there was a fireplace.

It also had two walk-in closets, and double French doors that opened up onto a back deck that went to the woods right behind the house.

I turned around and looked at Louis.

"Your home is stunning Louis" I said looking around and taking it all in.

He walked behind me; I could feel his body against my back. I leaned back into him.

"I wanted us to have lunch here, and for you to relax and let me cook for you" he whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

I closed my eyes, and I could see myself with Louis. He was everything that I had ever wanted in a man, even though he was a vampire. Hell, I fell in love with Tony who was a demon.

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