Chapter Twenty

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"You seem distant my love" Tony said as he took a hold of my hand as we walked toward my wagon. Looking up at him I smiled.

"Just tired is all sweetheart" I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Are you coming to the show tonight?" he asked as we reached my wagon.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it" I said, smiling up at him, and I wouldn't. One of the highlights of my evenings was watching Tony perform.

Tony left to go get ready, I closed the doors and changed real quick into my leggings and a shirt. I did my makeup and hair to at least look presentable.

I heard the door open and close, I thought it was Tony again, so I didn't bother looking. My back was to the door as I was bent over, looking for my sandals.

I felt hands wrap around my waist, I smiled and wiggled my ass against him. I stood up and turned around and it wasn't Tony standing there, it was Louis.

The look he had on his face was one of sheer lust in this moment.

"I haven't had a female do that to me in a few hundred years" he said as I smiled at him.

"Well, now you can't say that" I said with a brief laugh. He chuckled, holding out his arm. I placed mine in his and left the wagon to go see Tonys show.

I was standing in the shadows and saw that asshold Louis walk right into my fiancé's wagon, but a moment later I watched Lilly walk out on Louis' arm, walking towards the tent.

I am definitely not happy about this new friendship that seems to be developing between the two of them.

Once inside the tent I found my seat, Louis sat next to me after he had gone and bought popcorn. I started to laugh seeing him with that stuff.

He reminded me of a little kid, making sure none of it dropped.

He looked at me when he noticed I was sitting there staring at him.


"Are you going to share?"

"Nope" he said and growled at me when I took a handful anyway. I laughed when I heard that growl and he threw some of it at me.

The lights started to dim, and the crowd became silent, waiting for the show.

Once Tony walked in, the crowd quieted, it was almost an eerie silence that filled the tent tonight. Tony turned and looked at us. His eyes didn't have the normal twinkle in them, instead they looked like the eyes of a soulless demon who had turned his sights on Louis and myself. My body shuddered.

"Dear people, it has come to my attention that there is someone in here that wants what he cannot have. I will give out a warning that even though I am a mere demon, you can still be killed" Tony said with a deadly tone to his voice.

"Oh, how I have missed his little tantrums" Louis said under his breath. I held my breath as Tony walked towards us.

"Ah, here is my betrothed, sitting with her dear friend," Tony said as he held out his hand for me.

I placed mine in his and stood up, walking into the center of the ring, standing by the fire.

"My dear, you are bound to only one, aren't you?" he asked.

I looked at him for a moment and then nodded my head.

"Yes, you are, and I don't want you to forget the deal we have made with each other" he said in a tone that wasn't friendly at all.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, but Tony didn't look at me. My entire body was on high alert, I glanced at Louis, and he seemed concerned.

"You see my dear, you asked me to mark you as mine the other night, and well I thought why not show these people what it is like to be marked by a demon" he said with a sneer on his face.

The crowd gasped as a hot poker was pulled out of the fire. I backed away from it and from Tony.

"This isn't funny" I said, staring at the poker. Tony walked towards me. I looked at him, but I didn't see the man I was in love with, not even the demon that I had come to know and love.

Tonight, he was something entirely different.

"You forget my dear, that I am the boogeyman of nightmares, the demon who devours souls" he said, continuing to stalk me even as I hit the back wall.

"If you truly love me, you won't brand me like cattle" I said standing there, squaring my shoulders. If he went through with this, this was going to tell me all I needed to know.

Tony stopped and looked down at me, he leaned over, and his mouth touched my ear.

"But I will mark you tonight" he said as he nipped my ear, before he put the poker back into the fire.

I left the tent and went right to my wagon. I locked the door and changed into my night clothes. I was done with this game of his.

I burrowed into my blankets and turned on my soothing music that I usually listened to when I went to bed.

An hour later I was woken up by a loud banging on the wagon door.

In a fog, I went and opened the door. Then I backed up really fast when Tony walked in, not as a man but as his demon side.

Tony shut and locked the door, turning to face me.

"I told you I was going to mark you my love" he said as he walked over to where I was standing.

I didn't see the poker, so I was curious as to what he was talking about.

He picked me up and sniffed my neck, "no one else has touched you, have they?" he asked,

"Of course, not Tony" I said a bit irritated; did he really think I was sleeping around?

He set me down, and the man I was in love with appeared, he stood there looking at me. I turned my back and climbed into bed, moving to look up at him.

He stood there until I moved back the blankets, Tony stripped off his clothes and climbed in with me.

"How are you going to mark me?" I asked, looking at him.

His smile wasn't a nice one.

"Let me show you" he said as he climbed on top of me, I was only wearing a nightshirt with nothing underneath.

He spread my legs wide, licking my core a few times, making sure I was ready for him. He knew how to get me going.

Moving up my body, he slammed deep inside of me, and my back arched as he took control over me, ravishing my body. As we orgasmed together, he started to chant in his language. Something was happening, I looked between us.

I could feel his seed spreading deep inside of me, and right then I knew what he was doing.

Throughout the night, we had sex a few more times, until I couldn't anymore. I fell asleep in his arms while he continued to say something in his language.

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