Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Sitting at the kitchen table, watching Louis make us lunch was interesting. I wasn't used to being around a man that knew how to cook.

He was making us spaghetti, and a tossed salad. He poured me an iced tea with lemon and some sugar.

"Perfect" I said as I sipped on it.

Once lunch was ready, we took our plates and went out on the back deck off of the bedroom.

We sat there enjoying our lunch, I was watching the wildlife roam about.

"You surprise me Louis, but in a good way"

"How so?"

"You are gentle, compassionate, you know how to cook" I said with a laugh. He smiled.

"When you have been alive as long as I have, it's best to learn how to do everything in case one day you fall in love with a woman, so you can take care of her '' he said looking at me.

We sat there looking at each other, my heart was racing, and my insides were on fire.

"You still find me attractive, even though I have lines all over my body and I glow when I'm mad?" I asked.

"You are still as beautiful as the first day I met you" he said quietly.

I reached for his hand, and we held hands while we finished our lunch.

"Could you ever see yourself with someone like me?" he asked.

"Yes, I can, I will be honest with you Louis. I find myself wanting to be with you, you have shown me what a true man is like.

You have always been there for me, even though I know it's because you have feelings for me, but still. You could have walked away at any time.

But you didn't. You stayed by my side. I need to take care of the issue with Tony before I can commit to someone else" I said looking deep into his eyes.

"That is one of the reasons why I have fallen for you Lilly, your heart is pure no matter what you have been through. You still love and hope for the best" he said as he stood up. He took our plates to the kitchen.

I sat there looking out at the woods, I would love to live here, this was my heaven.

I heard soft music playing, and a smile developed on my face.

"We do need to practice our dance," he said as he held out his hand for me.

"You are so right," I said, taking his hand and standing up. I went to Louis and was immediately wrapped in his embrace.

We danced slowly to the music, our hearts beating wildly as our skin touched. The heat between us developed more each time we were together.

We kept dancing even though the music had stopped. As we looked into each other's eyes, he slowly leaned down, giving me plenty of time to stop him.

I didn't want him to stop, I wanted to feel him even if it was only for a moment.

His lips touched mine and a spark between us ignited. My arms wrapped around his neck, as our kiss deepened, and our passion was growing.

His arms wrapped around me, pulling me to his body. I could feel the effects of me against him, and a soft moan escaped my lips.

Our kissing became fevered, both wanting more but knowing we couldn't, not yet.

We went over to the bed, and he gently laid me down, then laid right next to me, kissing me, while our hands roamed each other's body.

"Oh, how I want to feel you my sweet" he said against my lips.

"I want you, I have for a long time Louis" I said as I rolled on top of him, kissing him, pouring myself into the kiss. I wanted him to know how I felt about him.

He groaned, I could feel how hard he was for me, I knew how wet I was for him.

"We should stop before we can't stop" he whispered against my lips.

I leaned my forehead against his.

"I know, but I don't want to. I want to stay here with you forever" I said with a sigh. He held me for a few more minutes, neither one of us saying anything, just enjoying the warmth of an embrace between two people that can't be together just yet.

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