Chapter Thirty-One

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Waking up in Louis' arms was so nice. He kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning my sweet" he whispered as I stretched.

"Good morning" I said smiling as I sat up, my body was sore, but I had no complaints since it was our love making all night long that made me a bit sore.

"Are our babies, okay?" he asked, sitting up, putting his hand on my stomach, rubbing softly in slow circles.

"As far as I can tell they are"

"Good, get dressed and relax in bed. I am going to fix us breakfast" he said as he got up and walked out of the bedroom naked.

My eyes followed him, and I smiled. Seeing him like that made my insides all mushy. I used the bathroom, draped myself in the sheet and opened the doors that went out onto the back deck.

I went outside and breathed in the fresh morning air. The sun was starting to rise, and the birds were waking up, singing their songs, greeting the new day.

"I know you love coffee, but here is some tea," he said, handing it to me.

"Thank you" I said while sipping it.

"I love this sight of you, in our home, wrapped up in a sheet, watching the sun come up" he said as I turned to face him.

He bent down and kissed me. I almost dropped my tea. He chuckled as he walked back inside and to the kitchen. This time he was wearing a loose pair of shorts. Even those looked damn good on him.

I sat down on one of the chairs that were out on the deck, feeling the warmth from the sun. It was going to be a hotter day than usual, I thought.

A few minutes later, he brought out two plates, filled with scrambled eggs, toast and bacon.

We sat there eating, listening to the birds, and enjoying each other's company.

"What time do you want to go back?" he asked.

"Never" I said laughing. "I was thinking in a bit, we can go back, I am enjoying this moment with you" I said finishing my breakfast.

Once I was done, he went to clean the kitchen. I took a long hot shower and got dressed. I need to bring a stash of clothes here if we were going to be coming here a lot.

Once everything was taken care of, we rode back to the circus. I needed to spend some time with the horses, make sure they were fine, plus I loved grooming them, it was relaxing to me.

"See you soon my mate" he said as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

He growled against my lips, and I let out a soft moan. I couldn't help it, I always moaned when he let out a growl that vibrated my chest when we were touching.

I walked in the animal tent and spent the rest of the day with the horses.

Around dinner time, I went into the food tent where I saw Lizzy, she smiled a big smile when she saw me. She got up and came over to where I was getting food.

"So, how was your night?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"It was perfect," I said laughing at her facial movements.

She looked and saw my neck and her mouth formed an O.

"So, I take it you and Louis are together?"

"She is my mate" Louis said, coming up behind us, he kissed me on my neck and my body shivered in a good way.

"Yay!" she said with a smile. I could tell she was extremely happy for us.

Louis and I sat at our table; Lizzy joined us as did a few other people. Everyone liked Louis, he was easy to get along with.

I glanced over and saw Tony walking in. He stopped when he saw me sitting there next to Louis. Louis had one of his hands on my back, rubbing it in slow circles.

Another thing I had learned about vampires is that they always have to be touching their mates. I don't know why, but it is just something that they do.

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