Chapter Twenty-Three

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A few weeks had flown by, every Saturday Louis and I did our show, during the weekdays we would practice different dances to see what would work and what wouldn't.

I noticed though that the more time passed; Tony wasn't around as much.

He stopped watching the shows and stopped sleeping at night with me in the wagon.

Something was shifting and I wasn't sure what it was. Lizzy said he was going through an adjustment period, and he would be back to his old self in no time.

But I wasn't so sure. After I had gotten my time of the month, I had to tell Tony that I wasn't pregnant.

It had been after that, that he had changed.

Lizzy sat with me that night while I cried, I was looking forward to having a child with Tony. Lizzy screamed at Tony the next day for not being there for me. Tony just walked away from her.

He never once comforted me, but Louis had once he found out. He held me and let me cry on his shoulder, telling me everything would be okay, that one day I will have a few kids and I will be happy.

Walking into the food tent for lunch, I was exhausted, and I didn't know why. I wasn't all that hungry, but I was at the same time.

Sitting at my usual table with Lizzy and the family, Jim walked up to me.

"I have a doctor's appointment set for you my dear, you go into town tomorrow at one" he said as he handed me a piece of paper.

I looked up and mouthed thank you, he nodded and walked back to his table. Louis was watching me with a concerned look on his face.

Tony was sitting there eating, not saying a word. I looked at him.

"Did you want to go with me to the doctors?" I asked quietly.

"No" was all he said. I sighed.

"What is wrong?" I asked, reaching for his hand. He pulled his hand away once I touched his. Lizzy gasped when she saw that.

Tony growled at Lizzy, then he got up and walked away. I put my head down, trying to hide the fact that tears were running down my face.

Lizzy came over and wrapped her arms around me.

"Want me to go find out what in the hell his problem is?" she asked, all I could do is nod my head. Lizzy threw away her stuff and out she went.

I sat there for a moment and took a breath, wiping away the tears before I got up and threw away my trash. I left the tent and went to my wagon.

Laying down, I started to turn on some music, but I could hear Lizzy's voice. I got up and went to the window and stayed where I couldn't be seen, but I could hear everything.

"Tony, what the hell is going on with you?" she asked.

Tony stopped and looked at Lizzy.

"She lost our baby Lizzy, because she is too preoccupied with the show, she didn't care about being pregnant and she lost my baby" he yelled at her.

"Do you really believe that about Lilly? You didn't even bother to see her when she realized she wasn't pregnant. She cried for two days straight, and where were you?" Lizzy yelled back.

Tony didn't say a word, Lizzy looked at him and then shook her head.

"Who is she Tony?"

"Who is who?" he asked.

"Who is the woman you are seeing?"

"Don't worry about it" was all he said as he walked away. I stood there looking out the window. It felt like a ton of bricks had just dropped into my stomach.

Lizzy turned around and saw me, she knew I had heard everything.

I closed my eyes and turned around. I couldn't believe that Tony was with another woman, while I recovered from the loss and got myself back on track.

Now everything made sense, why was he distant, not sleeping with me?

I left my wagon and found out Louis was in his wagon. I knocked on his door.

"Come in my sweet" Louis said, he always called me that and I wondered why.

"I was wondering if you weren't busy tomorrow if you could go to the doctors with me, and maybe afterwards go out to lunch?"

Louis looked at me and saw that I had been crying.

"Of course, I will go with you, why are you crying my sweetness?"

"Tony is seeing another woman, and he blames me for not being pregnant" I said and started to cry all over again. Louis was in front of me before I could blink.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and cried.

"Louis we need to talk" I heard Tony say as he walked in. He stopped when he saw I was in Louis' arms.

Before he could say anything, I turned around and he saw the tears flowing down my face.

Tony opened his mouth and shut it again.

"How could you?" I screamed at him, I walked over to Tony and stood there facing my worst fear.

"I know you are cheating on me, I heard you admit it to Lizzy. I want to be unbound from you. I am done" I whispered as I stood there.

"No Lilly, I'm sorry" Tony said in a voice that was full of fear.

"I am now unbound from you Tony. I do not want to marry you or be with you ever" I said. Tony stood there looking at me, knowing what he had done to the woman he loved by being stupid.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I doubled over holding myself.

"Louis, it hurts" I cried.

Louis was there holding me, when he picked me up, he saw I had blood running down my legs.

Tony was standing there, realizing I was pregnant and with the stress of what was going on, I was about to lose the baby I was actually carrying.

The look on his face was pure terror, and I knew for a demon to be scared, that spoke volumes.

Louis rushed me to the hospital, I was admitted and given an IV filled with a bunch of different fluids. The doctor examined me while Louis was still in the room with me.

"Can we talk in private Lilly?" the doctor asked.

"I want Louis to stay, so you can say what you want in front of him" I said as Louis walked over and held my hand.

"You almost lost the baby Lilly; I want you on bedrest for the next week." the doctor said. Then he looked at Louis.

"You are in charge of her care, there is to be no stress and she isn't to get up except to go to the bathroom" he said.

"The next few days will determine if you will be able to keep the baby," he said as he walked out.

I looked at Louis.

"I'm pregnant" I whispered as I looked up at him, he smiled and bent down and kissed my forehead.

"Congratulations my sweet" he said. I closed my eyes, feeling Louis so close to me, I felt at home and cared for.

That night I stayed in the hospital, and Louis stayed right by my side. No one else came to visit and that broke my heart a little more.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I was getting ready to leave the hospital.

"I am not sure" Louis said, and he also wondered why Lizzy or Tony hadn't come to visit. But once we were back home, I'm sure he was going to find out.

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