The One With The Q&A

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Emily chuckled in amusement as she watched the couple's playful banter. It was cute. Emily was happy that her aunt and history teacher were happy together.

"You guys can go sit in the living room," the Radkova witch told the vampire and the vampire hunter couple as she nodded her head behind her towards the aforementioned room, "everyone should be here soon."

It was as if the others heard Emily because as soon as Jenna and Alaric walked away, Caroline and Bonnie appeared in front of her. "Hey," Emily greeted her two best friends with a small smile before she murmured, "thanks for coming, guys."

"Of course," the Forbes vampire exclaimed as she pulled the young witch into a tight and comforting embrace, "we wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Yeah," the Bennett witch agreed as she hugged the Gilbert girl as well. Bonnie softly rubbed her palm against Emily's upper arm with a comforting smile as she told the young witch, "everything will be okay. You got this." Bonnie could tell that the Gilbert girl was a little bit nervous.

Bonnie honestly didn't believe Emily had a reason to be nervous today. Everyone obviously wanted Elena back, so it wasn't like people would be mad. The Bennett witch figured Emily was just nervous and anxious because she would be the one performing a spell while she was such a young witch.

"We always got your back," the Forbes vampire told the young witch with a soft smile, "and if anyone has anything to say, they will go through us."

"Thank you," the Radkova witch murmured after she released a sigh of relief as she stared at her two best friends. Emily was honestly so thankful for Bonnie and Caroline. The Gilbert girl wouldn't be the person she was today if she didn't have her best friends by her side.

Bonnie reached over and gave the Gilbert girl's hand a small squeeze. "Calm your mind and take your time," the Bennett witch instructed with a soft smile before she stated, "come in when you're ready."

"I will," the Gilbert girl promised before she watched Caroline and Bonnie silently head towards the living room. Emily took a deep breath as she tried to calm her anxiety like the Bennett witch requested. Emily knew she had no reason to worry. It wasn't like anyone would not want to bring Elena back. The young witch was just anxious about the spell as a whole.

Emily was lying to her loved ones over an important aspect on the spell. The Gilbert girl just hoped no one would find out about the after affects of the spell before she can even complete it.

The Radkova witch was quickly thrown out of her thoughts and swiftly turned to the front door when she heard arguing coming her way. Emily couldn't help but lightly chuckle when she saw Tyler and Jeremy playfully pushing each other as they climbed the Salvatore board together.

Emily wasn't sure when Tyler and Jeremy got over their issues with each other and started to become friends but she was glad that they did. The Gilbert girl always hated when her brother and her best friend would get into petty arguments; whether it be about Vicki or just their distain for each other.

Emily felt comforted to know that Tyler and Jeremy were friends because it meant that there was another person willing to protect her very human brother. Emily knew the Lockwood werewolf wouldn't let anything happen to Jeremy for her sake and for his and Jeremy's new friendship.

The human boy was the one to win the pushing contest as Jeremy proudly stepped foot into the Salvatore boarding house. The Radkova witch immediately wrapped her arms around her brother's neck as soon as Jeremy was close enough for her to reach.

"Stop it," Jeremy whined after a few seconds when his sister wouldn't release him from her tight hug. The Gilbert teenager had to forcefully grab Emily's hands from around his neck to get out of her embrace.

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