The Baby P5

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This is part 5 of a requested story I had. Sorry, I can't find them here anymore to tag them. I hope you like it anyways haha and if you haven't read the other parts, it's advisable you do xx

Over the next seven months, Charlie came to the realisation that being pregnant and still trying to go through school was a strange and tough experience. Even though the pregnancy was going well, there were still a lot of things to attend to make sure Nick and Charlie were ready for the baby's arrival.

So between doing that and trying to keep on top of school work while heavily pregnant, Charlie found himself exhausted at the end of each day.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow though!" Charlie smiled. He was in bed and on FaceTime to Nick, something they did most nights as the baby seemed to be more active then and Charlie didn't want Nick to miss anything.

"Only if you're sure you want to come, if you don't feel well enough-"
"I'm fine! Baby's not due for over a week, I'm sure it's something else" Charlie protested even though he wasn't completely convinced himself, but he really didn't want to miss Nick's graduation.

Truham were putting on a school leavers disco to celebrate the eldest years leaving. Charlie, not being a student there anymore, wanted to go back to his old school. Not just to see it, but to catch up with Nick's rugby friends who had been incredibly supportive of his and Nick's decision and strangely become Charlie's friends too.

"Okay, but I'm coming to pick you up and if you want to leave let me know and we will" Nick's voice is firm, but Charlie shakes his head.
"I'll be fine and I want you to have a good night! You deserve it!"

They chat for a little while longer and then decide it's time to sleep. Charlie had a check up at the hospital in the morning and then an Antenatal class in the afternoon. Somewhere between the two he also needed to write an essay about the tactics the USSR used in the Cold War. The online school he was attending did provide lessons too and Charlie was expected to show up, but he just couldn't fit them in on some days.

Something the school tried to understand, but made no effort to support him. So he usually resolved to reading the recommended textbooks and hoping he was covering what he needed.

By the time the next evening rolls around, Charlie is exhausted but determined to still go to the party. He'd rested for a few hours, but baby still seemed restless which just made moving around even more tiring.

"I think you should stay here" Tori said, appearing at his bedroom door and making him jump.
"Stop doing that!"
"You're not doing you or the baby any favours" Tori continued, ignoring Charlie's reaction.
"I'm f-" Charlie started getting up but got a shooting pain in his side
"No you're not!" Tori rushed into the room and sat at her brother's side, an arm wrapped around his shoulders, "Is it coming?"
"What?" Charlie was confused at first, but it quickly dawned on him what Tori meant from the severity of the look she was giving him, "No! I'm fine it's just- I can't move like I used to" Charlie forced a laugh and got up, making Tori remove her arm from around his shoulders.

Tori watched as her little brother waddled to his wardrobe and picked out a blue and red striped t-shirt that was three sizes bigger than he usually wears and a pair of low fitting jeans.

"This is about all I can wear" He turned with the items of clothing in his hand, "I wish someone made maternity stuff for men, it's 2022!"
Tori frowned, "I still don't think you should be going"
Charlie sighed, "Will you drop it? I want to go to support my boyfriend and actually have a fun night for once. I've spent the last few months basically rotting away in this bloody room!" Charlie snapped, "I just want to do something normal"
"And what about those people that were mean to you?"
"Harry and Ben?"
Tori nodded and Charlie rolled his eyes.
"Even if they're there, which they might not be, I'll be surrounded by a group of rugby lads, I doubt they'll even want to come near us" Charlie laughed now, thinking Tori's worries were ridiculous.

With nothing else to say, Tori got up and made her way to the door, "Well have a good time then" She said coldly and left.

Charlie just shook his head and got ready, ruffling his hair a few times before being satisfied with how it fell. He was still getting painful twinges and could feel the baby kicking, but tried to put it to the back of his mind. It was going to be fine, he usually overthought things and they turned out fine.

Just as he was checking himself in the mirror for the last time his phone buzzed. It was Nick to say he was outside.

He made his way downstairs to find his mum at the bottom of the stairs, but instead of smiling she was frowning.

"What?" Charlie reflected her frown. This felt wrong. She should be smiling and his dad should be here, they should be waving him off as he goes to his boyfriend's graduation party. But things were different now, for one, he was struggling to get down the stairs with the size of his belly.

"Do you really think you should be going?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest, her usual pose of defiance. Charlie rolled his eyes as he got to the bottom of the stairs.
"Not you as well"
"What do you mean, not me as well?" She raised her voice, getting defensive all of a sudden.
"Tori asked me the same thing" Charlie's voice was unchanged.
"It's not like Tori to be concerned" Jane's voice was still strong, determined to get her point across. She was clearly insinuating that if Tori was concerned then it must be bad.

Charlie acted unbothered as he grabbed his black bomber jacket from the hook next to the door. It wasn't something he'd usually wear, but Tao had persuaded him to buy it last week. Saying that, 'if Nick Nelson has invited you to graduation, you need to make the effort'.

"You're not wearing that are you?" Jane was following her son around the small hallway like a moth to a light. She was standing behind him now, trying to look over his shoulder as he put the jacket on in front of the mirror.

Just as Charlie was going to snap back, his phone started ringing in his pocket. That'll be Nick, wondering if I'm okay he thought to himself. So instead of saying anything, he just rolled his eyes at her and left.

He didn't know if it was being pregnant and all the change that had come with it, or just a coming of age thing, but Charlie felt less dominated by his parents these days.

His phone stopped ringing the second he shut the front door. Trying to pull the jacket around himself, he walked down the path and caught eyes with Nick sitting in the passenger seat of his mum's car. He got out as soon as he saw Charlie and held the door open for him.

"M'lady" Nick joked and Charlie forced a laugh. He was trying very hard to put everything that had happened today behind him. The check up, the class, the school work, the pain in his tummy and now the weird moment with his mom as he left.

He was determined not to let any of it get to him. Even if he could still feel the pain in his side. Everything will be okay now, I'm with Nick, he thought.

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