Coming out as trans to Charlie P3

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This stupid book is at 30k?!? Thank you!!

I'm ill and totally should have stayed home today.. oh welllll

Also, some people commented about Alex and Daniel.. this is just a oneshot and most of them are not true to the actual storyline. I appreciate all your ship comments though haha x

mvlttipovs - this is the final part, promise! Hope you like it <3

James' POV

I knew Charlie was just trying to be a good friend, but I just can't bring myself to tell Aled my biggest secret. I'm almost certain it would ruin whatever it is we've got; I know Nick said he's got friends that are trans, but we're not just friends. Were not boyfriends either, it was a weird thing we had and I didn't want it to stop and it didn't have to, as long as Aled didn't find out.

"Hey" Aled called from behind me. I'd just splashed a small amount of vodka in a plastic cup and added a bit of coke.

I'd had a few beers before coming in an effort to loosen up and keep my nerves under control. It had worked but now the effect was wearing off and I needed a top up. But nothing too strong, I didn't want to make a tit of myself; especially with so much on my mind. Something was bound to slip out if I got too drunk.

I spun round to face him and god, I forgot how pretty he is.

"Hey" I smirk, taking a mouthful of my drink
"Were you avoiding me just then?" He furrowed his eyebrows and my heart sunk
"No, I-I came to get a drink" I stammered, holding my cup up a little
Aled shrugged, "Whatever" His eyes found the floor and I felt awful. Aled was too sweet, he didn't deserve this.

He deserved way better; someone that would actually treat him right and want to be his boyfriend and do all the things boyfriends are meant to do. Not this. Not this weird sneaking around thing we seemed to have going on all because I have a secret I didn't want to tell him.

"I'm gonna go and talk to Charlie" Aled went to slink off but I grabbed his wrist, making him turn around again
"No, wait - Aled, I-" I hesitated, staring into his eyes. Those fucking beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't lose him, I had to fix this.

"Can we go upstairs?" I asked, my hand still gripping his wrist. He looked down at it and I watched as his eyes followed my arm back up to my face
"Okay" He shrugged again, as if he didn't really want to.

I led him upstairs and into Charlie's room. He wouldn't mind, this was all his idea anyway. I sat on the bed and made Aled do the same; I still had a grip on his wrist. I set my cup down on the bedside table, trying really hard to keep calm.

Aled got free from my grip and pushed me down onto the bed, kissing me harshly like he really needed it. Like he'd wanted to do this since I got here. At first I didn't stop him and not telling him, pretending that this was why I took him upstairs did cross my mind. But I stopped myself and pushed myself back up onto my elbows making Aled stop.

"I need to tell you something" I started and Aled properly sat up now
"You don't like me anymore?" Aled said sadly, looking down at his lap
"No!" I protested, taking his face in both my hands, making his eyes meet mine, "No I really do, which is why I need to tell you" I trailed off, was I really about to do this?

"I'm trans"
There was a pause.
"You are?" Aled's face relaxed a little
"Yeah, I was born a girl and I didn't tell you because I thought it might make you look at me differently, but I'm still James" I rambled.

I watched Aled's face intently, wanting to get any hint about what he thought or what he was going to say. He just smiled slightly and took my hand in his, "It's okay" He finally spoke, putting his other hand on my cheek, "Thank you for telling me that must have been really-" He paused, looking deep into my eyes,"God, I really like you, James" He said, changing tact and he leaned in and kissed me again but differently this time. More gently and with more care, like he really meant it. It felt different to every other time we'd kissed, like something had changed between us, but for the better.

Once we finally went back downstairs, we stopped on the final step hand in hand. This is where we'd usually let go and pretend we were just friends. It was easier that way, we weren't ready to tell anyone then but this is now and it felt different.

"Ready?" Aled turned to me and then looked down at our hands
"Yeah" I smiled and we both stepped off the last step and into the living room where everyone was still chatting, laughing and drinking as if nothing had changed. Of course it hadn't for them.

Everyone of course took it really well, I don't know why we even kept it a secret in the first place. It just didn't feel like anyone needed to know, but now it was okay. It was like all of sudden, the thing we had felt real.

"You told him?" Charlie said as soon as Aled had walked away to get me another drink
"Yeah, it's- we're better now" I smiled dreamily and Charlie told me how happy he was for me.

"Are you going to tell the others?"
"Eventually" I shrug, suddenly the prospect of doing that didn't seem as scary anymore, "Thanks" I said sincerely, turning to look at Charlie properly now and I hope he knew how sincerely I meant it.
He just shrugged, "S'what friends are for"

Thanks again for 30k!!

Also, what are people reading atm? I'm reading All The Young Dudes and am obsessed. Where has it been all my life lmao

Anyways, byeeee! Don't forget to vote x

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