Nick finds out he might have ADHD at uni

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A request for larry_tings - slight deviation from what you said but I hope you like it.

Before I continue, I want to just say a big welcome to new people who have discovered this lil book thing of mine.. I see you!! Thank you for the votes, I'm so glad you like what I write. As you can see, I do take requests so please feel free to ask away and I'll do my best. Wattpad is getting rid of the message feature in a few days so you can now only comment your requests unfortunately.

ALSO I met Alice Oseman and I completely forgot to tell you!!! I know, big traitor 😅 I went to her book signing for volume 5!!! Amazinggg, she's lovely.. anywayssss here's what you came here for ahahaha

Nick had been at Leeds University for almost four months now and he settled in surprisingly well. Having that first night of drinks really broke the ice between the four of the flatmates and they all were getting on really well. They even took it in turns to cook each other dinner sometimes and they'd have nice evenings in together.

That being said, it was the uni work itself that Nick was struggling with the most. He couldn't even say it was just one part of it. If he was honest, he was struggling with all of it. The long lectures and trying to make the right notes and pay attention the entire time. The written work and all the deadlines he had to keep up with. It felt almost impossible to stay afloat, yet everyone else around him seemed to be coping fine.

He kept telling himself that maybe it was just because everything was so new and that it would just take time to get used to. But that wasn't strictly true. This was the third module he was asking for an extension on and as he stood in front of his lecturer on the stage of the lecture hall, he felt like the dumbest student the lecturer had ever had.

"I understand that this a demanding course, Nick" Zack, the professor was saying, "But you need to start applying yourself more"
"I'm really sorry, I just am really struggling to keep up" Nick was trying his best to keep his voice even, but his throat was dry and he could feel another panic attack coming on. They seemed to be happening a lot, what with trying to keep everything afloat. He just felt like he was drowning and he couldn't figure out why he was struggling so much.
"And why is that, Nick?" Zack's tone had shifted to cold which just made Nick feel even worse, "Too many parties? Too much time spent playing rugby instead of actually studying?"

Nick tried to speak and tell Zack that wasn't it. He was trying so hard, spending late nights in his room sat at his desk just trying to get make sense of all the information and get it all into his own words. In fact, he hadn't been sleeping for more than 5 hours a night for a couple of months now.

If he wasn't trying to study, he was worrying about all the studying he still had to do and how he would find the time to do it all.

"Nick?" Zack moved toward Nick, slightly concerned by his student's vacant yet troubled expression, "I'm sorry, look, I shouldn't have taken that tone. I know you work hard, but I can't keep giving you extensions - we're not even six months in"
"I know" Was all Nick managed to say, he gripped his rucksack strap tighter until he could feel the pulse in his hand. His head was swimming with panic, he couldn't say anything else and yet he couldn't seem to move either.
"How much time are you spending on the work I set?" Zack perched on the desk
"Erm, a-at least two, maybe three hours every night" Nick swallowed, trying desperately to get rid of the lump in his throat, "I erm, I just can't seem to-" He started but had to stop talking because he knew his voice would break so he looked down at the floor and cleared his throat. Avoiding the concerned gaze of his Professor. He felt pathetic, why couldn't he just talk about this like a normal person?

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