You befriend the Paris Gang in Paris

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"Hey, why are you sitting on your own?"

You were looking down at your lap, but you could recognise that voice anywhere. It was Darcy. You'd known each other since you were really small and although you didn't speak much anymore, she always looked out for you.

Not wanting to talk, you just shrug which of course doesn't satisfy Darcy and she sat down next to you on the stone steps.

Much to your disappointment, your parents had forced you to go on the Paris trip with the school. It didn't matter how many times you told them you didn't know anyone going and had no interest in the Eiffel Tower, they ignored you. It had been a few days and you could still remember that feeling in your stomach as they waved you off from the pavement as the coach drove away.

You knew why they had sent you, they were worried about you. You were a big introvert and didn't have any real friends at school. Sure, there were people you spoke to, but no one you would call a friend and certainly no one you felt close enough with to mention to your family.

"Do you want to hang out with us?" Darcy asked, looking over at her group of friends sitting just across from where you were.

You never spoke to anyone in that group, but you knew of them. They were in your year; well, everyone but one of the boys.

Still not wanting to speak, you shrugged again and Darcy sighed this time.

"Your mum spoke to me before we left"

That made you finally look up and look at Darcy who was giving you an apologetic smile.

"She told me to look out for you"
It was your turn to sigh this time, "I'm fine, go back to your friends" You said dismissively.

"At least come and get an ice cream with us" Darcy told you, getting up and pulling your arm to get up with her.

That was the thing with Darcy, it was her way or no way which you found particularly annoying and was the reason you weren't really friends with her anymore. You two couldn't be more different.

Apprehensively, you followed Darcy over to where her group of friends were and they all looked up at you. Making you feel extremely self-conscious. You crossed your arms over your chest in an effort to make yourself smaller.

"Let's go and get ice creams then!" Darcy announced to the group, not introducing you at all.

Most of the group got up, it was just the boy who wasn't in your year group and the girl you recognised as Tara who stayed behind.

The rest of the group walked on ahead, chatting and laughing together. Nick Nelson hung back to walk with you.

"I'm Nick" He said awkwardly.
You introduced yourself, not even looking at him. From what you knew of Nick, he wasn't the type of person you'd get along with.

"What flavour of ice cream do you want?" Nick asked after a second or so more of silence
"Whatever everyone else has, I don't really want one - Darcy dragged me along" You told him, glancing over to see his worried expression and quickly look ahead again.

You hated the pity everyone seemed to give you. Just because you were quieter than most people didn't mean there was something wrong with you or that you were anxious all the time. You were shy and reserved, not anxious and scared.

"How do you and Darcy know each other then?" Nick asked, sounding genuinely curious
"Oh, we've known each other for years. She's basically a family friend"
Nick nodded, "C'mon, I'll introduce you to Tao and Aled" He walked ahead to walk with the other guys of the group.

Reluctantly, you walked with him.

By the time you got to the ice cream parlour, everyone knew who you were and you were talking about Marvel with Nick.

"I'm a proper Marvel nerd!" Nick laughed
"Yeah, we know" Tao rolled his eyes and you allowed yourself to laugh out loud, starting to feel more comfortable in their company.

Nick ordered the ice creams in perfect French, both to yours and everyone else's surprise. On the way back, you let yourself sink into the background again as the others enjoyed their ice creams, continuing to talk and laugh together.

Once you were back at the steps, you started to walk back to your spot, the other side of where Darcy's group were sitting.

"Come sit with us!" Nick called after you and a small smile crept on your face, "We haven't finished talking about Marvel yet" He added and you laughed lightly, walking back over to the group.

"You and Nick are getting on well, I've never seen you talk so much" Darcy commented as you all started making your way back to the hotel.

Nick and Charlie had walked ahead together and the others all seemed occupied in their conversations.
"I guess" You shrug
"You can stay with us for the rest of the trip if you like" Darcy suggested, "Everyone thinks you're really funny" She added, knowing you'd need something to persuade you
"No they don't" You stated
"They do" Darcy insisted

As you had no better offers, you sat with Darcy's group of friends for dinner. Being one of the last to arrive, you sunk into the last available chair at the table which was next to Aled.

"Hi" He shot you an awkward smile which you gladly returned. They were your speciality.

As the rest of the group started their usual chatter, you and Aled stayed quiet.

"So how come you know Darcy?" Aled asked, bravely starting the conversation.
You smiled at the fact that was the second time someone had asked you that today, but answered politely all the same.

After that, you and Aled seemed to get on quite well. He wasn't as energetic and outgoing as Nick, but you appreciated Aled's quieter company.

Over the last couple of days of the trip, you got to know Darcy's friends fairly well and they even invited you out with them when you all got back.

"Told you they liked you" Darcy said matter of factly as you all made your way down to the lobby with your suitcases. You just smiled to yourself, maybe having friends wasn't that bad after all.

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