Tori and Charlie find out Oliver's getting bullied P2

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P2 as requested 😏 Seldom123

After talking to Charlie, Oliver felt a lot better. His big brother was so smart and knew so much about everything. He even knew that the bullies were lying and Oliver trusted Charlie a lot. Probably more than mum, at least about this kind of stuff anyway.

"He seems happier"

Tori had appeared at the kitchen door just as Charlie was packing his lunch box in his bag. Mum always made him one and he nearly always threw it away.

Tori watched as Oliver skipped down the hallway to get his school shoes.

"Yeah - yeah he does, doesn't he?"

Charlie was pleased with himself. He was usually the one getting the pep talks, but it turned out he was pretty good at giving them too.

"Let's hope it's not because he's planning to murder them"
Charlie just laughed, "I don't think he'd have it in him"

Tori and Charlie walked out of the house and started their walk to the bus discussing whether or not Oliver would be capable of being a murderer. Then they got onto the subject of whether they would murder someone.

"I mean, if it really came down to it... probably?" Charlie grimaced at his own thought, "But only if I really had to"
"In what situation would you have to murder someone?"

Oliver got a lift to school from his mum and as he waved her off, he was ready to say something to the boys that were always waiting for him outside the classroom.

"Here he is!" Called the tallest one to his slightly shorter friend. They were two years above Oliver and first spotted him a few weeks ago from across the playground.

He was an easy target and he never said anything back. Until today.

"Why are you always mean to me?" Oliver's voice was small, but confident and he looked the tallest boy in the eyes when he said it.

They both started laughing, but none of them said anything so Oliver said, "My brother says you're sad and I don't like people being sad"

The boys stopped laughing, but were still glancing over at each other in confusion.

"I think we should be friends" Oliver added and then continued to walk inside his classroom.

His teacher was standing just behind the door and she had heard everything.

"That was very brave what you just did" She smiled warmly, "But you should have spoken to me if those boys were being horrible to you" Her expression was suddenly serious.

"It's okay Mrs Jenkins, I wanted to deal with it on my own"
"But you don't have to do that. You need to tell me if those boys are horrible again, okay?"

Oliver nodded and went to find his seat next to his friend, George.

The following day was sports day and Oliver was a little bit worried about having to wear his PE kit to school, but the boys weren't stood at Oliver's classroom door waiting for him. Oliver was relieved and his worries melted away once he was in the classroom with George and the other boys. They were going to have a lot of fun together today.

"Right, settle down everyone. Let's get the register done and then we'll be joining the rest of the school out on the school field"

Oliver's heart sank, the rest of the school? That meant that the boys would be there and they would see Oliver in his PE kit after all.

"I had to remember that people were only saying mean things because they were unhappy" Charlie's voice said in Oliver's head, which gave him a little bit of comfort. He had to remember that the boys were just unhappy and they were just picking on him to make themselves feel better. Oliver thought that if Charlie could get through much worse, he could at least throw a Javelin. Even if everyone was watching.

The sun was very bright and it was very warm on the school field. All the other pupils sat with their year group and the youngest ones felt daunted.

"Don't worry about the older ones, they were all small once too" Mrs Jenkins told the class as if she'd read their minds.
Most of the group events were fun, even Oliver's mum had come to watch with the other parents and she stood cheering Oliver on. Oliver was worried about the Javelin though and it was one of the last events of the day which just meant he got more and more nervous.

"Right! Can I have all the people for Javelin over here please!" Mr Reddington, the PE teacher, shouted from one end of the field.

"Go on Oliver!" Jane called out and Oliver waved at her, even though he had a lot of butterflies in his belly.

He watched carefully to see if he could see whether the boys were also doing Javelin. He'd managed to avoid them all day, just one more event please, thought Oliver. Despite his mental plea, he spotted the tallest boy also lining up. Oliver kept to the back of line to avoid catching his eye.

"Okay, let's have the year 2's to go first. That's Harry Aldrige, Katie Dexter, Jasmine Fletcher, William Flemming and Oliver Spring"

Oliver's heart was beating so fast as he made his way over to Mr Reddington. It wasn't that he was scared of the teacher although most of the people in his year were. Mr Reddington was a tall, strong man who looked like he worked out a lot. Which he probably did, because he was a PE teacher.

"Okay, we'll go in register order, line up please. Take a javelin and throw it the best you can. Remember this is to win points for your house"

Oliver waited for this turn and was trying to listen out to see if he could hear the horrible boy saying anything, but he couldn't. Finally, it was Oliver's turn and he begrudgingly took a javelin and was just about to throw it when he heard him. The all too familiar voice shouted over the noise, "Put your foot forward, you'll throw it better!"

Oliver didn't look round but he did smile a little - at least he didn't say something mean. He followed his advice and he managed to throw it second furthest.

"Well done Oliver!" Mr Reddington beamed, "And well done Jack, that was good team spirit!"

Beaming from ear to ear, Oliver walked back to the group waiting for their turn.

"Well done Oliver!"
Oliver turned to see Jack standing slightly away from the other children.

"You should get 20 house points for that!" Jack continued and he looked genuinely happy, "Sorry for being mean to you, that wasn't very nice"
Oliver smiled, "It's okay"

After that, Oliver couldn't stop smiling and to top it off, his house won overall. His mum even brought him an ice cream on the way home to celebrate.

"How was sports day?" Charlie asked him.

Oliver was sat playing Mario Kart in the living room and Charlie was stood at the living room door having just got home from school.

"We won!" Oliver said enthusiastically, "Oh and-" He got up from the sofa to give Charlie a big hug
"What's this for?" Charlie laughed, ruffling Oliver's hair
"I told Jack that we should be friends and then when I was doing javelin he told me how to throw it better and then I got 20 points and we won and Jack said we can be friends" Oliver reeled off, talking into Charlie's torso.

Oliver couldn't see it, but Charlie was beaming.

"I'm proud of you little brother"
"Thanks, do you wanna play Mario Kart?"

Kinda simple but also sweet. I'll be replying to and writing requests soon, thanks to everyone that's commented!

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