Harry ruins everything P2

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"So what actually happened?" Elle asked.

It was Saturday evening and they were all on a Group FaceTime call. Tao wasn't invited.

"He said he wasn't gay and that I wasn't his boyfriend"
"But he is?" Tara chimed in
"Yeah- well, sort of. We haven't like confirmed it"
"So why are you so upset?" Elle sounded annoyed at Charlie's over-reaction
"Because he doesn't normally say anything, but this time he sort of blurted it out like it's been on his mind for ages!" Charlie protested
"And have you spoken to him?" Tara asked, "Because if I know Nick at all, I reckon he's probably more upset about this whole thing than you are"
"But what about me?! I'm upset too!" Charlie snapped, he felt like everyone was taking Nick's side.
"Don't shout at my best friend!" Elle joked, "Seriously though, I think you should talk to him"
"Augh" Charlie sighed dramatically, "Fine!"
"Call him!" Elle shouted down the phone before leaving the call

"Do you really think-" Charlie started
"Yes!" Tara cut him off and hung up too.

After contemplating it for a minute or so, Charlie finally hit 'call' on Nick's contact.

"Hey" Nick spoke after a few rings. His voice sounded tired.
"I-I didn't think you'd pick up" Charlie laughed awkwardly, not knowing what else to say
"I-I dunno"
"I'm sorry I didn't message or anything" Charlie trailed off, "I erm- I was mad but" He stopped again, "I wanted to make sure you're okay" He spoke slowly and carefully, as if the wrong word would set off a mine.
"Did you mean what you said yesterday?" Charlie blurted out. It was what he's wanted to ask as soon as he hit call.
"What-no, no I-I didn't mean for it to come out like that"
Charlie's heart felt like it stopped beating for a millisecond.

"I'm erm-" Nick's voice broke and it made Charlie's heart wrench, "This is all new to me-"
"I know, I'm sorry" Charlie's voice was small, "I didn't think-"
"It's okay" There was a pause, "Can we meet up tomorrow?"

Charlie didn't sleep well that night. Nick had said he'd meet Charlie at the park; he usually walked Nelli on a Sunday morning anyway.

Finally, 8am rolled around and Charlie got up to get changed into jeans and an oversized jumper. As much as he wanted to look good, he didn't want to overdress for something so casual.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, Charlie's nerves were getting the better of him and they almost convinced him to call the meet up off. His mind had convinced him that this was going to be the break up. That Nick had just lured him to the park to break his heart. Which was pounding now he was feet away from the park entrance.

Once he was in, he began to walk around it, waiting to see Nick on a bench somewhere. Which he was, but he was with a girl.

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