Ben comes to Charlie for advice P1

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@clover2015 - I hope you like it, there is a part 2. Your idea went so well with my last one!! Readers, for extra context, read the last oneshot I posted, 'Ben comes out to you'

Ben had been feeling a lot of different things recently. He'd been hanging out with different people and he was starting to feel like he fit in; at least in some places.

Home life was never great and for a long time he felt so isolated because of it. Over time though, he started realising a few things and today was the day he'd decided to speak to the person that had been on his mind the most. Charlie Spring.

Ben knew he had treated Charlie badly, but at the time he didn't make things right. When he was seeing Charlie secretly, deep down he knew he was gay but he didn't want to admit it. He wasn't comfortable in himself.

Over the last few weeks he could hear Charlie's shouting voice in his head, "Don't you think I, of all people, would understand if you're figuring out your sexuality?"

Ben hadn't been sleeping properly, he'd wake up from nightmares about everyone at school laughing at him for being gay. He has had the same thoughts going round and round in his head for days now and he needed to talk to someone. He knew y/n would be there, but he knew Charlie would be the best person to talk to.

So here he is, walking towards Charlie as he's walking out of the school gates with Tao.

"Charlie!" He calls out and his voice sounds horribly desperate. He grimaces at himself.

Charlie turns around and immediately turns back, continuing to walk home.

"Charlie, please. I-I just want to talk to you!"

Charlie can hear the desperation in Ben's voice and decides to turn back to him, "You carry on, I'll see what he wants" he tells Tao. Trying to sound cold. Tao doesn't say anything and instead just rolls his eyes, but does as Charlie says.

Ben's caught up with him now and he's just inches from Charlie.

"What?" Charlie raises his eyebrows, trying to sound confident and unbothered

"I'm sorry, I just- I've been thinking a lot a-about what you've said to me and I didn't know who else to talk to, but I really need to talk to someone" Ben rambled.

Charlie could see the tears in Ben's eyes and although there was a part of him that just wanted to walk away, he couldn't. He'd been where Ben is and knew how much it would have helped to have someone to talk to. He didn't have the heart to deny Ben that; even if he'd treated him like shit for almost a year.

"Do you want to walk and talk?" Charlie asked and a huge wave of relief and gratitude came over Ben. He nodded and they started walking.

"I've been thinking a lot recently and I'm so sorry for everything I did I did to you. It wasn't cool at all and at the time I was so selfish, I never thought about you and that time we had that argument when we met after your rugby practise, you said I never cared about how you felt and you were right. I was so insecure - I still am, but I want to change-"

"I'm not going to go back to you" Charlie cut in

"That's not what I- I just, I've been so confused" Ben let out a big sigh, "And I was so wrong to treat you like I did. My head has been so screwed up!" Ben ran his hand through his hair in frustration, "There's been so much going through my head about all of that stuff, who I like- I had a girlfriend for a little while" Ben suddenly added, "But I didn't feel anything, y'know? There was nothing there and I kept kidding myself into thinking I hadn't found the right girl and that what I felt with you wasn't real, that it can't be right - that's what my parents always say, being gay isn't right. Two men can't love each other, it's dirty and wrong and-" Ben let out a frustrated sigh, "Me and y/n have been getting on really well, we sit together in English and a few weeks ago I kinda came out, like we were sitting watching Netflix and we were talking about the guys in the show and I said I liked one of them and the other wasn't my type. Y/n didn't seem shocked or anything and it got me thinking that it's okay, all this time I've felt like it's not and that I should hide it and- that's why I wanted us to be a secret because I thought that was the only way"

Charlie continued to listen as Ben talked to him about everything that had been going on. It was a bit strange for Charlie to hear all of this from Ben. He knew he was obviously questioning his sexuality and had insecurity issues, but he never knew about his parents.

Charlie had continued to walk home and Ben was just following him so they found themselves at Charlie's front door.

"Do you want to come in?" Charlie gestured to the door with his key in his hand.

Ben hadn't realised where they were walking to and was taken back by both where they were and Charlie's invite inside.

"Oh- I better not, I don't want to-"

"It's okay"

Charlie could see that Ben was feeling a lot and he still had a lot to talk about.

Ben didn't say anything so Charlie unlocked the door and announced his arrival to the house.

"Ben's here" He added and turned to gesture for Ben to come in.

With a small smile Ben walked through the door and immediately started taking his shoes off.

"Oh, it's okay"

"Are you sure, I don't want to get dirt in your house"

"It's fine, my room is the first door on the left. I'll just get us a drink"

Ben went up the stairs in his socks and Charlie went to the kitchen to make two mugs of tea.

"Who's Ben?"

"Jesus, Tori"


"Just a mate from school"

Tori raised her eyebrows

"It's not like that, he's going through some stuff"

"What stuff?"

"He's gay, well he thinks he is. He's confused - there's a lot to unpack" Charlie half laughed, thinking about everything Ben had said walking back from school.

"His family is homophobic too" Charlie added, pouring the now boiled water into the two mugs, "Which is why I think it's taken him so long to come to terms with it"

"But why is he talking to you about it?"

"I kinda said he could, well sort of - it's a long story and I have tea to give him" Charlie said, picking up the two mugs of tea and turning to face Tori who was sitting at the dining table

I love Tori hahaha

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