The Baby P4

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I'm backkkk <3

"I'm glad your family took it well" Nick half smiled, "Mum will come round, I think it's just a lot to take in"

They were sitting at their usual bench in the park, watching Nelli run around with the other dogs. Occasionally she'd come back with her ball for one of them to throw for her.

Although it was obvious that Sarah still didn't approve of the boys' decision, she hadn't brought it up since they told her almost two weeks ago now.

"And you're sure you want to tell them today?" Nick turned to Charlie now and there was a hint of concern in his voice.
"Yeah" Charlie nodded, "I'm going to start showing soon and I want them to know before then"
Nick just nodded, staring back ahead at the park.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, something they were doing more of now. It wasn't a bad thing, they'd both just changed over the last couple of months. Maybe it was because they were having to grow up which changed the dynamic of their relationship a little bit.

Deep down though, they knew they'd get through this together. The decision they'd made to keep this baby made them have to make it work. They had to get through it.

Once Nelli had finally had enough, they walked back to Nick's to let Nelli rest. Once they had, they walked to the shopping centre to meet the Paris Squad; Charlie couldn't believe they were still referring to themselves as that.

"Tara always wants to stop for coffee, we'll do it then" Charlie said quietly to Nick as they walked hand in hand through the parade of shops.

Darcy was the first one they spotted and then Tara, they were looking around H&M.

"The others are in Topshop" Tara told them, "We'll go and find them in a minute, let me just get this" She held up a pleated skirt and Darcy rolled her eyes.

"I don't know why she wants that, I told it looks like school uniform - why would you want to look like you're wearing school uniform outside of school?"

Both Nick and Charlie laughed at that although it was somewhat forced. The nerves had been building up inside Charlie since they got here and as the possibility of stopping for coffee got nearer, his nerves only got worse.

They had found everyone now and were aimlessly walking around different shops. Charlie kept looking at record players, he'd saved up enough to get one but was indecisive which just wound Nick up.

"You've wanted one for ages!" Nick offered a counter argument for the third time, "You've saved all that money for it and now you don't want it?"
"It's not that" Charlie pouted, aimlessly flicking through records in HMV, "I just-"
"Don't know if it's worth it, I know" Nick cut him off, rolling his eyes.

"Can we stop for coffee now?" Tara whined, appearing from the back of the shop and walking over to the couple, "My legs hurt"

Charlie tried hard to laugh, but he was conscious that it came out wrong. His heart was hammering in his chest so fast he was surprised no one could hear it.

Sure enough, everyone agreed and they piled into Costa, setting their bags down at a table big enough for all of them. Then they each went up in pairs to get their drinks and Charlie was trying really hard to calm himself. At one point, Nick reached under the table and put a hand on Charlie's bouncing leg, giving him a small reassuring smile.

Once they all had their drinks, Charlie kept waiting for the opportunity to start the conversation. Which did eventually come when there was a lull in the chatter.

"We have something to tell you guys actually" Charlie started up, sounding braver than he felt. Immediately, everyone turned to look at him and he watched as all their eyes shifted from him to Nick.

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