The girl in the window P2

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As suggested, although there's gonna have to be at least one more part

"You have no idea what you're talking about, maths is so easy!" Jackson gloated as we got on the school bus.

The bus stopped right outside Jackson's school which was only a two minute walk from my school. So we'd both get off when we got to Truham and I'd walk to Higgs.

"Well, I hate it" I said, rolling my eyes and turning my back on him while I tried to complete my homework which was due in first period.
"I don't know why you leave stuff like this till the last minute" Jackson poked me in the back, "Your exams are next year"
"And yours are this year" I shoved him slightly and it caught him by surprise so he almost fell off his seat
"Yeah, and there's still people like Nick in my year who leave homework till the last minute" Jackson laughed a little at the thought of his friend and my stomach did a flip.

Jackson always picked up on my expression changes. It was like he knew something was up before I did.
"Nothing" I lied hopelessly, there was no way Jackson would drop this now
"No, there's something - what is it?" He pressed on and I let my hand holding my pen fall to the notebook in my lap in defeat. I may as well give up now; he'd only prise it out of me later
"Alright, but you can't say anything" I leant closer, speaking quietly so no one could hear us, "To anyone" I added as I saw Jackson look skeptical, "I'm serious!" I said a little louder
"Alright!" He held his hands up in surrender dramatically, making his brunette little quiff that he spent an hour on each morning jump up which only made me roll my eyes
"Well I saw-" I hesitated, thinking about how to word it. Jackson was looking at me so intently it was putting me off, "Last Sunday" I started again, "I saw Nick walking down our road-"
"Blimey! Yeah, your secret's safe with me" Jackson said, his voice thick with sarcasm
"Let me finish!" I snapped, "Charlie caught up with him-"
"Yeah, I think they're like friends now. Nick told me he's in his form"
"I think they're more than friends" I quickly looked away from Jackson's eyes, I couldn't bare seeing the shock on his face
"I saw them kissing in our road"
"What?" Jackson said in the same tone, like his mind was too busy processing what he'd just heard to say anything else, "I don't think that would have been Nick, h-he's not-" He laughed, "He's not gay"
I immediately hit him on the arm, "Stop it!" I looked out of the window, watching as the bus slowed to a stop outside Jackson's school gate and my eyes fell on Nick who was sitting in the bus stop shelter, "I think it's cute"

My replay of what I saw that Sunday while looking at Nick laughing with his friends was shattered by Jackson whacking me on the back of the head.

"Being gay isn't cute, it's fucking weird" He said with disgust, "If Nick really is- I mean if he really did kiss that Charlie kid then" He shook his head, "I'll get him kicked off the team"

With that, Jackson picked up his bag and started to walk off the bus. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. It's not something I'd thought about before, but I didn't think Jackson would be homophobic. I wasn't homophobic so why was he?

"Jackson!" I called out to him and, thankfully, he did stop before he got to the group Nick was sat with.
"Isn't Charlie on the team too?"
"Not anymore, he quit - thank god"
"Please don't say anything" I pleaded, "Maybe I was wrong- I probably was" I corrected myself, trying to make Jackson believe me so he wouldn't do anything stupid.

I'd hate for something to happen just because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. It's not like I was meant to see it anyway; it was their moment and I gatecrashed it.

"Looking at Nick now, I don't think it was him-"
"Just don't say anything to anyone, not until I'm sure that's what I saw"
"You seemed pretty sure a second ago" Jackson was standing so close to me was looking down on me
Yeah, that was before I found out you were a massive homophobe is what I wanted to say.
"Just leave it, alright?"

Jackson just shook his head and went to join Nick's group and I felt sick. I spent the entire of my short walk to school hoping that he would stay quiet.

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