Harry ruins everything P1

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A three parter for you, I know these are meant to be one shots but I do like a longer one from time to time. Lemme know what you think. Thanks for all the love on this book (can I call it that?!) so far x

"I'm not gay, Charlie isn't my boyfriend"

Nick's words went around and around in Charlie's head as he stared up at the ceiling from his bed. His phone had been buzzing a lot for the last hour and he knew it would be the group chat begging him to talk to them. Which made him want to ignore it even more.

It was Saturday and yesterday Charlie and Nick got cornered by Harry (again). Usually, Nick didn't say much and just let Harry say what he wanted and then wait for him to get bored. This time though, Nick just lost it. Harry had been saying that Nick must have turned gay for Charlie; that's why he'd left their friend group.

"I'm not gay, okay?!" Nick had blurted out, "And Charlie's not my boyfriend"

Although Charlie knew that Nick wanted to keep their relationship a secret, there was something about the way Nick had said it. As if he'd started to realise how hard dating Charlie had made his life. Which only fuelled Charlie's self-hatred.

"Are you getting up, or do I need to throw water on you?" Tori's voice came from his bedroom door.
Charlie just groaned in response.
"What's wrong with you?" Tori sounded unbothered, but she was. In fact, she worried more about her little brother than their parents probably did. It's a big sister thing.

She was now stood at Charlie's bedside, looking down on him, waiting for him to actually say something coherent.

"Well?" She shrugged, after Charlie hadn't said anything
"Go away" Charlie pulled his duvet over his face
"This is about Nick isn't it?"
"What?" He quickly pulled the duvet down to look at his sister
"Well no one else would make you like this" She sat down at the foot of the bed and crossed her legs so she was facing Charlie, "What happened?"
"Nothing, I'm being stupid" Charlie said quickly although it was muffled slightly because his mouth was still covered by his duvet
"Feelings aren't stupid" Tori stated, "Did you have a fight?"
Charlie sighed, admitting defeat. He sat up so he was leaning on his headboard, "It wasn't a fight, it was just-" He hesitated, "Harry said that Nick was gay and that's why he was hanging around with me, normally Nick doesn't really say anything. He just sort of-"
"He just-" Charlie hesitated again, "He just lets it happen, anyway - this time he shouted out that he wasn't gay and that I wasn't his boyfriend"
"But you are?" Tori asked because this was news to her
"Yeah- well, not properly"
"I see"

Neither of them spoke for a second.

"Have you spoken to Nick?"
Charlie shook his head
"Because I'm not saying that wasn't horrible for you, but imagine how Nick feels"
Charlie furrowed his eyebrows
"Well, I think he's scared" Tori went on, "I mean, if you're his first boyfriend then he probably doesn't know what he is"
Charlie's heart flipped. He hadn't even thought about it.

"So he probably just shouted that out because he was scared and, if he's as nice as he seems, he probably regrets it or at least hates himself for it"
Charlie looked down at his lap

"I think you should talk to him"
"I don't know" Charlie said quickly, "He sounded like he meant it-"
"Well of course he did, he's got to convince Harry hasn't he"
Charlie didn't say anything.
"He needs you now more than ever"

Charlie still stayed quiet, but picked up his phone. Not to message Nick as Tori hoped, but to look at all the group chat messages.

As he suspected, everyone was asking where he was and if he was okay. They had all heard about what had happened in the corridor yesterday. He typed out a quick message to reassure them and then locked his phone again.

"Have you messaged him?"
"Yeah" Charlie lied

Looking pleased with herself, Tori got off the bed and made her way to the door.

"If you need any more relationship advice, it's going to cost you"
Charlie forced a laugh, but really Tori's comment just made him feel bad for lying about messaging Nick.

Maybe she was right. Maybe Nick did feel bad for what he'd said and actually needed a friend right now.

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