Coming out as trans to Charlie P2

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Sorry that this kinda changes perspective/ tense... idk the word.. it's not like I have an A Level in English Language or anything lmaoooo

mvlttipovs, - part two and there is a final part coming. Sorry it's so long, I kinda added some details, I get too carried away 😂😭

Charlies POV

Since James came out to me as Trans a couple of months ago it's taken up most of my head space. Even Nick has commented on how distant I am and it's a bit annoying because I don't want to tell him why I've been distant.

Nick knows that I'm trans, of course, but I don't know how James would feel if Nick knew he was too.

James is coming to my little get together tonight and I think I want to tell him. Only if the opportunity presents itself though.

Everyone starts arriving at mine. First Nick, of course, I told him an earlier time than the rest just so we had some time alone.

Then Darcy and Tara with a bottle of vodka that Darcy had somehow managed to get hold of. I don't know a lot about Darcy and in a way I intend to keep it that way. I hate to know about the people she knows to get hold of alcohol.

I didn't let it show, but my nerves were bubbling up for James' arrival. More people arrived before him though and I was busy talking to them, sipping vodka and coke when he rang the doorbell.

"You answer it!" I called out to Tao, he was nearer than me and the vodka was talking because I'd usually hate someone else answering my front door.

My parents were both out, staying at a hotel to see a show in London. They'd said I could have some friends round, as long as Tori was okay with it - which of course she was, she was taking the opportunity to go out to see her mates. So I had the house to myself and of course invited the Paris Squad round.

I was sitting in an armchair with a perfect view of the front door and hallway so I saw James walk in.

"James!" I immediately cheered, running over to greet him. I really didn't think he'd come. He was a shy boy and I can imagine that the prospect of being here with so many people was scary to him.

It wasn't that he hadn't met the Paris Squad before; they'd all accepted him very well actually and he even started hanging out with Aled alone. I wondered whether there was something going on between them, but I never brought it up.

"Hi" He awkwardly said, that signature tight smile pulled across his lips.
"You came!" I hugged him quickly, much to his surprise, he must be able to tell I've been drinking.
"Of course I was invited, wasn't I?" He said smugly. Maybe he'd been drinking too?

I ushered him into the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Nick!" James pulled Nick into a hug which Nick accepted, of course, but gave me a sideway glance afterwards. James had definitely been drinking. Maybe it would make confessing to him easier?

We all chatted for a while and then James made an excuse to go and find Aled and I watched as the pair of them talked for a while. I'd never seen Aled talk so much.

"Right, I need another drink" Nick announced, getting up from his stance on the armchair arm. This was it, I thought to myself, this was my opportunity.

I walked over to James weirdly slowly, as if doing so would somehow make this easier.

"James, can I talk to you?" I asked, looking at James. He shrugged and followed me over to the foot of the stairs, just outside the living room.

The noise of chatter and music was quieter here which only made my heart race more. I had to tell him, now I'd made him walk over here.

"There's something I wanted to tell you" I started and James must have heard the worry in my voice because he immediately shuffled awkwardly. He was so adorably shy sometimes.

"And I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to say something" I added which only made him look at me with curious eyes.
"I know you're gay" He laughed and that made me laugh too. Although there was a part of me that knew he only said that to break the tension, it worked though because the next thing I said came out much easier.

"I'm trans too"

The look in James' eyes was something I wasn't going to forget for a long time. It was a mixture of relief, acceptance and disbelief.

"Really?" He put a hand on my shoulder and I just nodded in response, "How come you didn't say sooner?"
I shrugged, thinking of what to say, "I dunno, really" What a lame thing to say.

James enveloped me in a hug then, a proper one. Full of feeling and meaning. It felt like he wouldn't let me go.

"Oi, hands of my boyfriend!" Nick shouted with a big grin on his face. He had two drinks in his hand and handed one to me when James pulled away.
"Sorry, I didn't realise he was trans too" James beamed at me and then looked at Nick slightly panicked as he realised he'd just outed himself.

"Oh, right sorry for interrupting your moment" Nick mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Do your friends know?" James asked, ignoring Nick though I knew he was secretly relieved at Nick's blarse reaction.
"Yeah, Elle's trans too" I nodded in the direction of Elle who was sitting on Tao's lap. They were so cute together and I found myself smiling at them.
"No way!" James sounded in even more disbelief now
"Yeah, she transferred to Higgs about a year ago" I say conversationally, "You know what we were talking about the other day?" My tone was more serious now and I knew immediately that James knew what I meant because his face changed.

"Yeah" He sounded slightly scared and Nick shot me a weird look, trying to work out what I was referring to. Nick was a jealous type, I'd started to learn that the longer we went out and, at first, he seemed to get it in his head that me and James were more than friends.

I of course told him that was ridiculous and that I'm allowed to have friends, but it did bother him for months. Not that he brought it up again, but I could just tell. Now I wondered whether that same thought was crossing his mind.

"You could tell them tonight"
"I dunno" James dropped his eyes to the floor
"Maybe Aled at least, you're closest to him, right?" I asked, secretly wishing James would reveal if my suspicion about the two of them was right. He didn't.
"Yeah, I guess but what if he never talks to me again. He might think it's weird - that I'm weird. He might be against that sort of thing" James rambled
"You've met Aled right?" Nick laughed, "He's friends with two other trans people, I doubt one more would make much difference"
"Yeah, but he's-" James stopped himself quickly
"More than a friend?" I supplied slyly with a smirk

James' eyes shot up to meet mine again, "How did you-"
I just laughed and started leading him back into the living room towards Aled and Elle who were standing by the window mindlessly chatting.

"I'm gonna go get a drink" James quickly swerved Aled and Elle to head in the direction of the kitchen
"Is he alright?" Elle's eyes followed James as he disappeared
"Yeah" I shrug, "I think he finds this sort of thing a bit overwhelming"
"I'll go and talk to him" Aled volunteered immediately and I just hoped that James took this as an opportunity to tell him.

Aled was lovely, one the most understanding and caring people I know. He would understand, but whether James understood that was a different matter.

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