Chapter 37: Fiance

Start from the beginning

"Did you go to the doctor again?" I asked trying to avoid directly talking about the subject.



"The stitches are out" she knew what this would do to me.

"Really?" I said it trying to sound surprised and not eager.

Her face lifted and she switched to her other cheek to lay on my chest, and now she could look up at me. Her eyes were different in the morning and they shone through her eyelashes as they fluttered and waited for a response of any sort from me.

I just started back at her and we stayed this way for a long time, just looking at each other. She nodded.


Leaving my parents was especially difficult due to the fact that I watched as Leylah sit with my mother for hours before we left. They made themselves comfortable in the kitchen and my mom made tea for the family. Of course after breakfast, my dad and I parted from the table, interested in other things. But there they both sat, talking about so many different things. I heard bits of some of the conversations as I walked by.

I was packing our things and I stopped in the doorway on the way to the kitchen to put my cup in the sink, but their conversation and both my mother's, and especially Leylah's, distinctive laugh stopped my heart for a second. I leaned against the frame and watched as the love of my life sat with her legs crossed on a kitchen chair and was wrapped in a blanket. She was holding the tea, but couldn't control her laughter enough to take a sip. As for my mother, I always knew when she was really laughing because she had a huge smile across her face that couldn't even be mistaken as fake.

Everything became real in that moment. I made the right decision.

"Hey Edward" she nudged me.

I snapped out of my daydream and looked over to her. "Sorry. "

"Where were you?"

"Just thinking" I felt my smile across my face.

"About?" she turned her body so that she was facing me in her seat.

"Family" I reached for her hand and played with her fingers, observing all of the lines and soft skin.

"Me too" her face became bittersweet. She had so many different experiences with family to give her whiplash.

She was surrounded by people who had parents and didn't even give them a passing glance everyday, yet she had been brutally robbed of hers. She reached for siblings that she grew old with, but was met with empty hands and old memories to tear her apart. Everyday, whether she voiced it or not, I knew that she blamed herself for losing Sarah. I saw it on her face almost always. No matter how much convincing I would do, you can't change someone's opinion. Especially on losing a child that you never had the immense pleasure of laying your eyes on. I looked in her eyes and saw happiness that needed to be pulled out, but there was always a thin smokey layer of sadness that would not disband.

I knew that she felt at home with my parents. She didn't have to say it for me to realize how much seeing them meant.

Her eyes had light and the happiness that I saw every so often. The light that had been torn from her withing the past few months.

Seeing my parents brought her back to Earth and showed her family again. It was so apparent, and she was so strong.

Our cab ran over a bump and I was snapped back into our scene again.

The bump must have forced a forming tear from her eye and her movement to wipe it away caught my attention.

"Leylah" I scooted close to her. "Tell me" I said quietly.

She sniffled and used her sweater sleeve to wipe the dewy line from her face, "Your parents are amazing" she put her hands in her lap, mine still attached, "I see why you are the way that you are" her words were quiet and her face was tilted down. Her fingers were rolling the end of my sleeve in thought and possible distraction.

"Im glad you liked them" I lifted her face with my hands and pulled her into a hug.

After a few months, I had come to realize that for her, kissing wasn't always the best choice.

Don't get me wrong, she loved kissing, and I loved getting or giving her kisses. But there was something different about a hug or a cuddle or holding hands for her. When she needed a hug, you could tell by how she reciprocated. It had become more and more common these days for her to wrap her arms around me loosely and after a few limp seconds. I knew she always cared because no matter how weak she held on, she rubbed my back. As if I was the one who could use some encouragement with love. She never failed to put herself after. I wish she would see that and care for herself along the way.

I lifted her from her lower back, with my arms around her and helped her body onto my lap. She closed her eyes and I made my way over to the window of the cab. Her back laid partially against the window and her head fell on my shoulder. I let one of my arms rest behind her back to support her, and the other fell over her legs, my hand making small circles on her skin.

"When will this stop hurting?" she mumbled into my neck.

"I don't have an answer for that, love" I wish I did.


Guys, I'm sossosososososos sorry. I didn't mean for it to be so long since I updated, but I've had a long week and I also had some writers block. It's the worst. My other time on here was spent reading _Give_Me_Ed_ 's Finding My Forever and I just finished it. Have a read because seriously, jfnfjfndkdjfndjsjfb. I'm dedicating this chapter to her because she is my amazing new internet friend, and I love her haha. Note to her: I just started the sequel, and yes I did cry Anyways, thanks for being patient everyone and I really really really want to hear how you guys feel about the chapter or the book so far as a whole. Comment or DM me cause I wanna talk to all you lovely people. I will update ASAP, Stay beautiful x :) ❤

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