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"So here's the end of the today session and if any doubts occurs in today lesson, then you can come in my office any time and yeah, the projects partners will be decided tomorrow morning." Professor Shukla said.

He was always the most patience person I have ever seen, whatever the doubts we would have, he would clear in a most perfect way.

"Let's go it's lunch time." I nodded when Ahana said.

"Ahana I forget to inform you that, this Sunday is reception of my wedding, would you like to come, since my husband said that I can invite you when I talked to him about you." I said while going towards the canteen area.

After ordering the food, we sat on our chair, "yeah sure, I would love to and also I want to see your husband." She wink and I playfully glared at her.

"No need to be jealous dude." She also retorted while rolling her eyes and then we both burst into laughter.

"What's the address?" she asked.

"I will text you." She nodded and its been one week since I joined this college and this Sunday, Abhimanyu ji coronation ceremony and also our reception.

I didn't told anyone here that I'm married to the Rajasthan king Abhimanyu Singh Shekhawat because I don't want unnecessary attention.

Even I didn't tell to Ahana too, but I'm sure she's gonna surprised.

After the lunch, only one class is remaining that is biology lab, the most interesting class because in this there is always new type of experiments we have to do, which is really fun...

After when the bell ring, we made our way towards exit where Abhimanyu ji is waiting for me.

As we were going, suddenly a boy came towards us.

"Hi." He said while extending his hands and Ahana shook his hand but I nodded.

"Actually I want to talk to you from last one week but never got a chance." He said while scratching his neck from back side.

"Me, yea what is it?" I said.

"Umm, do you want to go for a coffee with me when are you free then we will talk." I was about to answer when one voice broke it.

"Sorry bro, better luck next time but with another girl because she already have some one." I turned around.

"Diya." I said and hugged her.

"Bhabhi, let's go we are getting late." She said but I was looking at her confusingly.

"B...bhabhi?" The boy whisper but more enough to heard me and another one too.

"Yes, she is bhabhi, my brother's wife." She stated in a cold voice and I smiled.

"Come on bhai is waiting in the car and also Sameer bhai and Raj is also there." She said and I nodded.

"Wait." I said.

"Ahana you want to join?" I asked as she is also now my friend, my first friend here after diya and Naina.

"Well it's your family time, and I don't want to be an intruder, you can go." She said while smiling.

"Are no di, you will not be an intruder, in fact we would like to welcome you because you are my bhabhi friend, after all first friend but yeah after me, right bhabhi." She said while hugging me and kissed on my cheeks.

"Ofcourse baby and please Ahana join us too." I said and she was about to deny but a voice broke it.

"Yes, you should join us too." It was Raj Bhai.

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