Oliver nodded, and they started their frantic run once again.

He tried to imagine that it was just another march across the land.

Headed to another battle.

Something he had done countless times before.

One step forward, and then another,

Olivers tried to focus on easing the increasing pain as he stumbled behind Draco. His skin was still splitting apart, and there seemed to be no end to the surging wyvern magic within him. He was trying to move the magic through his body, hoping the dragon's heart would somehow contain it.

"Fuck," Draco growled. His face contorted with rage.

Oliver turned to look behind and grimaced when he saw nearly a hundred Ravages chasing them. They were all on horses and quickly catching up. The ranch was ahead, but they would not make it in time, not with Oliver in tow. His condition was hindering both of them.

Oliver looked at his bloodied hand being held by Draco. "Go... first."

"Gods be damned. If you are going to suggest that I leave you behind, then you're fucking insane," Draco growled.

"Not... stupid... but I can't... control..." Oliver said with some difficulty.

He tore his hand out of Draco's grasp and used his pitiful strength to push him away. He turned towards the Ravagers, who were less than ten meters away. The magic within him pulsed and throb then suddenly, the air around him became frighteningly cold. A layer of frost covered his hands, and with a yell, the magic surged from Oliver's body, greater than ever before.

He didn't know what he would create or what would happen, hoping for something familiar. He just hoped that whatever he produced was enough to stop them and kill them if possible.

The magic followed his desires without direction, and hundreds of spears made of ice were launched from the ground and pierced into the group of Ravagers. They started to fall and stain the pure snow red.

"Oh," Oliver muttered as he watched his creation at work.

Draco's deep black flame followed behind the ice, and the terrible fire consumed the surviving Ravagers.

Oliver watched how the flames intertwined with the ice as if it was meant to work together in the first place. He wanted to smile but swayed instead. Before he hit the ground, he was caught by Draco.

"Bear with me for a while," he said. He lifted Oliver over his shoulder and started to run again.

Oliver's eyes were heavy, but the pain caused by the magic was not as intense. His body needed to purge some of the magic before it settled into his heart and became compliant. He finally fell into a slumber and did not know much about what was happening. Draco's words reached him sometimes.

"We're going to make it. Almost there."

"You need to stay alive for me..."

"Please, Oli... you need to stay with me..."

He knew they had reached their destination as he picked up some conversations between consciousness.

"We received word you were coming..."

"...Are you sure you can trust that man?"

"... Dog of Bierze..."

Oliver woke, feeling somewhat refreshed. He opened his eyes and looked at an unfamiliar gilded ceiling. He lifted his hands and stared at his palms, glad to see where his skin was split had healed. Hardly any scars were left. Those that remained were nearly unnoticeable and only light lines. He gingerly sat up and sucked in a cold breath of air as he looked around the room.

A Ghost's Wish [MxM]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن