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 Tan Xiaoxiao was dragged outside by Song Qi to Li Xiang's hospital bed. It was pitiful, and she was dragged outside before she woke up. If it wasn't for knowing Song Qi, she would have shouted for help.

But when she saw Li Xiang wrapped in a mummy, she covered her mouth in shock and tears rolled in her eyes.

"You, how did you become like this? How did you assure me at the time, how did you make yourself like this, think about it, how did you tell me to explain to your parents, woo woo, it's my fault, yes It's my fault, I shouldn't believe you, why am I so stupid, if you say it's okay, it's okay, you."

Seeing that the little girl started talking nonsense, Li Xiang interrupted her quickly.

"Xiaoxiao, it's not at this time, my mother doesn't know that I'm hospitalized, you have to help me,"

Tan Xiaoxiao heard this, hesitant at all, nodding her head like garlic, she didn't forget to wipe the corners of her eyes of tears.

"I'll help, I'll help you, don't worry, tell me what you want me to do, I'll definitely do it for you."

Li Xiang glared at her with a blushing face: "What else can I let you do, I want to go to the toilet now, Song Qi, you are blind, so don't hurry out!!!"

Song Qi pouted and complained: "You have no conscience, you are going to drive me away so soon, but I've been watching you for one night, one night okay? "

So, look at your dark circles, hurry back and rest, I won't be able to use you for the time being,"

Song Qi really couldn't handle it, and Grandpa didn't make any arrangements, so he asked Tan Xiaoxiao.

"You go to your mother's side to make arrangements. I was in a hurry just now and didn't think about the consequences."

Tan Xiaoxiao thought that she was dragged out and really needed an explanation, so she pushed Song Qi out of the room and walked to Li Xiang. .

"Can you get out of bed?"

Li Xiang moved twice, with a pitiful expression on his face: "I don't think I can, so what, I have to trouble you, cough, cough,"

"It's okay, you wait, I'll go take a shower. Panzi, explain to my mother by the way,"

Li Xiang nodded, "If your family hasn't come, you will take care of you first. Mom,"

Tan Xiaoxiao waved his hand: "It's alright, my mother just had an operation, so I can't for the time being. When I eat, it's all injections, and my brother will come over later."

Although Tan Xiaoxiao said it was fine, Li Xiang still didn't want to trouble others.

First of all, there are patients in other people's homes. She has been there for one night. She can temporarily ask people to come and help her, but she cannot morally kidnap people to serve her because of this.

Secondly, Tan Xiaoxiao needs to go to school, it doesn't matter if she goes to school or not, she shouldn't tie her here. Of course, if she is willing to come over to accompany her for a while after class, it is also possible.

Based on the above, Li Xiang decided that it was more appropriate to let his family come over, not to mention that she didn't hurt her muscles and bones, so she was in pain for the first two days. After the weekend, there was nothing to worry about. Even Li Hua didn't need her to come over to guard it. The key is Just these two days.

After Xiaoxiao left, the doctor came to round the room, and he was relieved to see her awake. After all, Li Xiang's condition last night was really scary. No, so she can wake up today, which is really out of the dangerous period.

After examining her features carefully, speak to her.

"You were beaten hard. Although you didn't hurt your internal organs, they were all skin injuries, but these scars will last a week. You don't have to go to class this week. Let us help you contact your family, you know. Contact number?"

Yesterday, the public security sent her here. Everyone knows that this child was beaten by a group of gangsters because of her violent resistance. Otherwise, her life is over.

So seeing her desperately trying to protect herself, both doctors and nurses admired her very much, and their attitude towards her became more sympathetic and gentle.

Li Xiang immediately called the nurse from the neighborhood committee. As for the school, with Song Qi and Tan Xiaoxiao, it was much easier to ask for leave.

Li wanted the nurse not to make her situation so clear and simple when she explained her situation, so as not to worry the family.

As a result, in less than an hour, Li Hua and Na Yuan rushed to the hospital in a hurry. When they saw her, they felt that their eyes were dark.

He dragged her to ask questions, and even went to the doctor to find a nurse. After knowing that she had indeed suffered some skin trauma, Li Hua was puzzled.

Xiaoxiao gave up the space to Li Hua and Na Yuan after they came.

"Nan, how could you possibly be beaten? You are so strong, you are just a few thugs, and they are not your opponents at all."

Li Xiang nodded, "Mom, I was beaten on purpose, and the specific reason is what Mu Yan wants to do. The case is related. Those gangsters are clues. In order not to startle the snakes, I need to send them to prison. You said that if I received two strokes without pain, they would definitely not be sentenced. Now, why? It also has to be sentenced for a year or two?"

If she left it in the future, her situation could be settled with money, but this era is in a period of severe crackdowns, especially these gangsters basically have previous convictions, and those with previous convictions If they commit a crime again She will be severely sentenced, so she estimates that one or two years, but their plot is definitely more serious than this.

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