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Chapter 41 Eat and Drink For Free

    It's just that the people who eat melons have caught the talk from this.

What's up with Mu Yan's father?

five years ago?

Didn't Li Hua get divorced five years ago?

Unexpectedly, the gossip people heard a little bit of ambiguous meaning from this, and immediately came over and asked curiously one by one.

"Hey, I said Mu Yan, this meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. You should clarify this situation first."

As for Mu Yan's life experience, after the people of Wangjia Village fled to the mountain, it was already rumored It's not a secret anymore.

Mu Yan also divided the relationship between him and Li Hua's mother and daughter in detail.

"Five years ago, when my aunt gave birth to my sister, my father accidentally saw her. He felt sorry for her and wanted to help them."

"But he couldn't help in vain. At that time, he probably knew that he would soon After leaving, he just wanted to find a reliable family for me to raise."

"But what happened to my mother and my family, we all know that he didn't feel comfortable handing me over to them, and wanted me to stay far away. Leaving Wangjia Village."

"It happened that Li Hua's mother and daughter had a simple relationship, so he asked my aunt to pay for the hospitalization fee." Referring to the hospitalization fee, Li Erzhu's family reacted and immediately Waking up like a dream.

"Aha, so that's the case. No wonder I went to pay the fee at that time, and the hospital said that someone had already paid it. Who do you think is a kind person?" 

"I didn't expect such a relationship."

Forgot to give Mu Yan a meaningful look.

Mu Yan noticed the second grandmother's gaze and explained it with good intentions.

"I'm sorry, please don't misunderstand my aunt. She didn't mean to hide it from you, because at that time, she probably didn't know whether my father's words were true or false."

"I asked my aunt to raise the child for no reason. I guess I really can't believe it, and I don't have the ability."

"After all, at that time, my aunt couldn't even support herself and her children, so how could she raise children for others?"

Mu Yan Having said that, everyone thought about it for a while, but they could understand it, and immediately nodded without looking into it.

"So, your father is hiding it from your mother and your family?"

Mu Yan tilted his head and thought.

"I can't say that. How is the relationship between my father and my outside family? Everyone sees it. Where do I need to repeat it?

" I'm good, then wait for the aunt and the others to pay back the money, and then use the money to honor the outside family and mother."

At this point, everyone basically understood.

This is to say that if the foreign family treats him well, but if it is not good, then he can ask Li Hua to raise Mu Yan to grow up with the grace of saving his life?

Although Mu Yan didn't say it clearly, the fact was in front of him and it was very clear, so no one asked any more.

It's just that Li Erzhu's family felt that something was wrong. The person who sent the money didn't show up at the beginning, so how could he pay back the money?

Even if Li Hua wants to pay it back, he has to know who to pay it back to, right?

Could it be that Mu Yan's father showed up when they were away?

The more Li Erzhu thought about it, the more likely it was, so he pursed his lips and did not speak.

"Didn't your father leave when you were seven years old? Then why haven't you come to see your aunt in the past three years?"

Mu Yan's expression darkened.

"Where is the home where I grew up, how could I be willing to leave?"

Unless absolutely necessary, who would want to leave home?

It was bittersweet, but just thinking about it for a moment made people sympathize with the half-year-old child in front of him.

What kind of life Mu Yan has been living in the past three years, he has long spied on these gossips.

Mrs. Li doesn't care what the relationship between Mu Yan and Li Hua is, she only cares about one thing.

"So, you came to the door empty-handed and waited for my old Li's house to come?"

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