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  In the past three years, her actual deposits were not much, and most of them were replaced by materials and stored in the space.

In addition to the self-operation and absorption of all her stores, she can store more than 100,000 catties of grain, vegetables, melons and fruits every year. After three years, she has filled 500,000 of the 500,000 bubbles.

According to the current development model, the whole country is promoting her high-yielding grains, and within five years, Song will get rid of poverty and move towards a well-off society.

The Song Kingdom has become stronger, the materials will be more abundant, and she will earn more. This is the so-called wool comes out of the sheep.

Lan Yin's mother and daughter lived in Tang County, and occasionally Langou would go back to see them, but most of the time, she wandered around the East China Sea and the capital, as well as other states and counties to make field trips and reserve supplies.

Finally, at three years and six months, on her seventeenth birthday, Song Yun, who had been in retreat for three and a half years, finally walked out of the valley.

The young couple has been separated for three and a half years. Naturally, they miss each other very much, so when the two of them meet each other's eyes, you have me in your eyes, and you in my eyes, looking at each other with tears.

In three and a half years, Languo has grown from thirteen years old to a seventeen-year-old girl. She is taller and more slender, not to mention her tender appearance. People recognize that he has done tricks and ugliness a little, and his real face will definitely be more dazzling.

And Song Yun is not bad. When he was 20 years old, he was skinny. Because of those poisons, he had no flesh on his body. No matter how good his skin was, he still looked like a skeleton. Not to mention that he was taller and stronger a year ago, even his skin was tanned into a healthy wheat color, which is like an absolute sublimation from skinny to handsome!

Langou circled around him three full circles before stepping forward and smack his firm chest with satisfaction.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. I'm impressed. Congratulations, you have successfully transformed from small ribs into muscle mass. How about it? Did you suffer a lot?"

Song Yun smiled indifferently: "How can you go to the top of your life without enduring hardships, I still want to be your backer, I can't turn back and let you take care of me?"

Lango looked at him in surprise: "So Said, the poison on your body has been eliminated, and you have practiced martial arts?"

"The poison was cured three years ago. In these years, I have mainly improved my physical fitness and function, but the current level is only five points of Lu Yin's. Third, if you want to surpass him, you still need to continue to struggle, so Guoer, I want to join the army. The man's ambition is in the Quartet, and the army is the only place where people can both hone their will and grow rapidly."

Song Lango's decision was not unexpected. In fact, even if he didn't say it, she would still mention it.

"Yuan Shi was sixteen years old when he died. At that time, the Song Kingdom was already in chaos. Now it is because I created a high-yield grain for the Song Kingdom that makes the Song Kingdom look less turbulent than the original world. The Queen and Li imperial concubine is now tearing up fiercely. The fake princess in the J courtyard was also taken back to the palace by the queen. I believe that the queen and Li Guifei will be completely torn apart and make a scene in the court. During such turmoil, people from other countries will be How could you miss it, you want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, don't you?" Song Yun nodded, "That's exactly what you want."

It was considered solid, but in fact it was already riddled with holes and torn apart, like a plate of loose sand, unable to condense.

In the blood of the royal family, the direct line is too mediocre, and the branch has many pillars of the country, but they are not reused, and they are distributed in all parts of the Song country, and they cannot enter the capital without summons.

Among these armies of the Song Kingdom, apart from the reputation of Lu Yin's Lu Family Army, there is only the Song Family Army, the national character signboard where King Ruyang was originally.

However, since King Ruyang handed over military power, this Song family army has become a motley army, and has long lost its former military soul.

But Langou knew that Song Yun wanted to defect to the Song family army, because only such an army would be more challenging.

As expected by Languo, Song Yun chose Song Jiajun.

Languo pursed his lips: "I'll go with you. When you join the army, I'll start over in the nearby village and county."

"The Song Family Army is located in a very remote location, surrounded by mountains or forests, and he is stationed there. That city is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but because of its poor location, it has to climb three mountains within its own range to get enough supplies. Externally, although the other side of the river is an enemy country and it is still a relatively prosperous town, the management is very strict. It's hard for our people to sneak in, let alone buy supplies, even so, do you want to go?"

Song Yun's words instead reminded Lango: "Why didn't I think of it, so, I changed my mind, I'm going to do business in the enemy country."

Song Yun was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood what she meant: "You want to go to the enemy country to collect supplies, and then sell them in our country?"

"Yes, no, anyway, just do it. For business, I heard that the customs over there are a bit similar to those near Sichuan Province, isn't it?"

"Well, the geographical environment is similar, do you really want to go there?"

"Go, why don't you go, anyway, my business is here. On the other side of the capital, there are suitable people to take care of it, I will follow you to develop, maybe I can develop my own eyeliner to help you guard the frontier!"

Song Yun knows Languo's ability the most, but he said this. For the sake of it, there is no need for the two of them to hesitate any longer.

So Song Yun gave Languo three days to arrange As for the matter at hand, after three days, they set off directly from the waterway, walked for ten days and a half months, then switched to the land route, and walked for nearly twenty days before arriving at Rongcheng, the stronghold of the Song family.

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