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Chapter 411 Eat my spit out (30) 

When Zheng Kai returned home the next day, he saw his parents and sister sitting beside the wooden board, staring thoughtfully ahead, and he was taken aback.

"What's wrong? Lost your soul?"

"Brother, that woman came to her door. She said she was Li Xiang, but her residence permit said Li Xiang, and she almost scared her parents again. She had a stroke, but she waved it twice in the air at will, and they returned to normal. She also said that she wanted to invite our family to live in Experiment A, Experiment A, bro, what kind of shit luck did you say she had? Did she live in Experiment A? Ah, no, I always feel that she is uneasy and kind. We treat her like this, and she must want to take revenge on us, right? Otherwise, who has she been pretending to scare these days?"

Zheng Yuanyuan did not After gasping for words, Zheng Kai spent nearly ten minutes digesting it, and after digesting it, he still felt unbelievable.

"You said, she's still alive? Shit, how is this possible? We saw her being drowned by the zombies with our own eyes. In that case, she probably didn't even have the skin left, so how could she be alive?"

When the Zheng family suspected that Li wanted to be careful, Zheng Zixuan, who had already been overwhelmed by the heavy workload, was paying attention—his mother was still alive.

She lives in the experimental area a, there is a special person to serve, there is a bath, there is electricity, and there is Internet.

His mother may take revenge on anyone, including his father, but he will never take revenge on him, because it was not he who pushed her into the zombie horde, but his grandma.

The injustice has the first debt and the owner, even if he wants revenge, his mother should retaliate against his grandmother, not him.

Thinking of this, he quietly left the home that had made him impatient for a long time, and ran to the experimental area a that he was fascinated by.

And the Zheng family's wholehearted attention was on the soup that Li Xiang poured on them, and they might be hesitating between going and not going all day.

In fact, Li Xiang was not surprised by Zheng Zixuan's arrival, so she not only took him to her room, but also served him delicious food and drink.

Zheng Zixuan didn't enjoy the benefits even in the early days of the apocalypse, but today he has realized his ideal of sitting and waiting for death in this posthumous mother.

Fifteen-year-old Zheng Zixuan was pampered and raised when he was a child. On weekdays, his grandparents were used to it, his father was coaxing him, and his sister-in-law was in pain. , but most of them were shared by adults. He didn't suffer until he entered the base, no work, no food, and no other way. Even so, there was room for laziness under the protection of adults.

He didn't have much affection for his hard-working, servant-like mother. Even if she was pushed into the zombie group by her grandmother, he only complained a few words. Tian ignored the Zheng family, and because of this reason, the old lady Zheng simply threw them away.

Every time he mentions his sister, Zheng Zixuan feels that she is stupid. When is this time, and he still cares about others, can he live if he can eat and drink?

There are dead people every day in the last days. If everyone is like her, will they still be alive?

This is Zheng Zixuan's outlook on life. When the sky falls, there is a tall one on top of it. He only needs to be a rice bug that sits and eats and waits to die.

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