When Harlow opened her eyes again, the moon was much higher in the sky than it had been before. How much time had passed? Where was she? Questions raced in her head as she tried to piece the world together around her. She wiggled the fingers of her right hand, feeling a soft, clothing-like material. Pressing harder, she felt a body part.

She instantly tensed up, narrowing her eyes like a predator. That was not her body part. Harlow took a deep breath in through her nose. Trees, snow, and something else. Something almost male smelling. She inhaled again and was met with the scent of cedar and rain. Her blood grew cold in her veins and her muscles primed to run.

"Hello, Harlow." The male spoke softly as if not to startle her. She knew instantly who it was by his scent, but the confirmation of his voice just made it worse.

Harlow sat up slowly, realizing her head had been laid in his lap for gods knew how long. "Hello, Kiran." She replied, venom dripping off her words. Turning to look at him, she noticed he hadn't changed at all.

Her instinct was to fight, but she knew that there must be a reason he had chosen to meet with her. However, she couldn't remember being asked to a meeting, nor agreeing to one. In fact, she couldn't remember much of what she had done recently. Everything seemed to be covered in a layer of fog.

"I take it you remember?" Kiran spoke again, voice colder this time.

"Remember what exactly? How much I want to murder you?" She snapped back, clenching her fists at her sides. Her narrowed eyes scanned the trees, looking for anyone else waiting to ambush her. "Where even are we?" She added on, noting she was in an unfamiliar territory.

Kiran furrowed his brows before chuckling. "I guess I didn't do the ritual exactly right."

"Typical. Wait, what ritual?" She shot her eyes back towards him again, taking in his relaxed posture. It really didn't seem like he planned on fighting her.

They had been enemies for years, since his father had decided to execute Harlow's brother. The only family she had left was ripped from her for something so petty as a missing spell book. Before that her and Kiran had been lovers, sneaking off together in the moonlight when his family wasn't watching. What young fools they had been, barely alive past a century.

"I gave you your memories back. It's time for you to come home." He replied, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together.

Harlow's eyebrows lifted skyward and her skin pricked with anger. "You took my memories?" She stood slowly, feeling heat lick through her veins. Unclenching her fist, she lifted a palm towards him. "Explain. Now."

He chuckled again, standing along with her. "Easy now, tiger. You may remember but your fire is still locked down," His voice was stern and gravelly, his arms crossed over his broad chest. "After your little stunt, the King had nowhere to hold you. So we took your memories, snuffed your powers, and sent you to the human realm until we could rebuild." The words came out of his mouth calmly, but there was a grating edge behind them.

"Where were my memories?" Harlow snapped out, completely disoriented by the situation.

Kiran stepped closer, so near that their bodies were almost touching. "I had them. It was nice to relive some old times from your perspective." His breath was hot on her face.

She groaned audibly, shoving her fingers into her hair. "Oh for fucks sake."

"Indeed. We had better get going now. The people of Vrahan are waiting on you." Kiran stood straight again, stepping around her to leave the area.

Harlow stayed where she stood, just turning to face his back as he walked away. "And if I don't go with you?" She called, causing him to still in his tracks.

He didn't even bother to face her. "Then I am under strict orders to kill you where you stand. Wouldn't be much of a fight though, your fire is gone." In a show of mockery, he lifted his palm at his side, allowing a a ball of his purple light to form above it.

Harlow huffed loudly, and she could hear Kiran snickering ahead of her. She begrudgingly began to walk towards him, and once she was near enough he continued his pace.

"How long of a journey?" Harlow asked, bitterly accepting her circumstances.

Kiran continued to walk a couple paces ahead of her, his arms swinging loosely at his sides. "Two days time." He spoke, still keeping up that arrogant attitude.

Groaning yet again, Harlow shoved her curls out of her face and stomped on. She knew that whatever lie ahead in Vrahan wouldn't be pleasant. What she had done to the kingdom was unforgivable, not a single soul would dispute that. At least she had two days time to anxiously think of what punishments awaited her.

• • •

Hi guys!!

Soooo kind of a big bombshell on this one :) I was so excited to write this, I did it all in one go! So if you guys notice any mistakes please let me know!!

Thank you so much again for reading!

Big love,

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