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Harry writes down the words that have been stuck in his mind ever since Louis left earlier for the funeral. He wanted to be there for Louis but he don't really feel like he have the right to. He barely knew Liam and he would want to bring attention away from him.

Plus he don't really know what he and Louis are, it's been a couple of days since they shared that night together and they haven't really talked about it since. Harry haven't been able to stop thinking about how the feeling of Louis lips around him made him go crazy, he just want to feel that again.

The snow is falling outside and the Christmas lights are a little dull because of it. Harry looks up from his notebook and admires the snowflakes that fall.

In another part of town Louis looks out the window of Lottie's car, seeing all the people that are out getting ready for the Christmas time. Bags with presents and children with big smiles.

There is something so beautiful about it, he never thought he would be able to see it again.

A small tear falls down his cheek, he is quick to wipe it away before Lottie sees, he just can't handle explaining to her. She probably would think it's because of Liam, and he guess it is a bit of that too...

Liam will never again experience the snow falling outside on Christmas morning, he will never again have another Christmas with his family.

The car comes to a stop by a traffic light and Louis eyes gets drawn to the poster on one of the buses, Harry's face on the bus doesn't give him justice, he is so much more than the popstar that everyone else see.

After a long journey in the car they finally stop outside the hospital, he knows it wasn't actually that long but right now it felt like forever.

"I will come see you on Sunday." Lottie says when Louis steps out of the car, she is driving home to Doncaster to be with their family for a few days.

With a small goodbye they part ways and her car speeds down the road, Louis looks after it until he can't see it anymore. The snow is falling heavily and he doesn't realise how wet he have become until some melted snow gets inside of the back of his jacket.

The cold water that runs down his neck and back gives him chills, so he makes his way in to the brightly lit hospital. The sun have set even through it's just a little past five in the afternoon so the lights inside seem even brighter than usual.

Harry sees when Louis passes his door, he might have left it open on purpose so he would see when Louis got back.

He considers going after him to see how he is feeling, but before he can even finish his thought Louis walks in to his room closing the door behind him.

"Today was completely shit" the tone of his voice tells Harry that he is absolutely exhausted. The man throws himself on Harry's bed and hides his face in the pillow.

Louis don't know why he decided to turn around on his way to his room, he don't know why he came to Harry's room.

But the scent of Harry that is stuck on the pillow is so calming, he breathes in and then turns to face Harry who is still sitting on the couch.

"Hi..." Louis says when their eyes meet, there is something so calming about being in Harry's presence.

"Hi there." Harry answers. They look at each other and it's not an awkward silence surrounding them even though they don't say anything more.

The Boy With The Broken Heart (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now