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Harry sits down by the piano starting to press the keys down, feeling how the music surrounds him. The people around him are setting up for the livestream to start, making sure that everything is in place for it to begin.

Harry don't pay much attention to them, needing to get it over with. He loves playing music and sharing it with the world, but there is just so much more going on that he wishes that he could be without.

"Ready?" Richard asks him, not really asking, he just wants one answer to the question no matter if Harry actually is ready or not.

The camera turns on and he is broadcasted to thousands of people all around the globe, they all want him to talk about what happened up there on that stage but his management have told him not to.

He is just supposed to play some music, not really talk about his health so it creates more buzz around him.

"Hello guys" He starts off and the rest of the stream goes pretty smoothly, he gets a little out of breath and just ends up playing a longer intro to most of the songs, needing more time to catch his breath.

In the dark room on the same floor Louis are laying in his bed, looking at the livestream from his phone. His head hurts but he wants to watch it.

"Louis?" there is a small light coming from the opening in the door, Niall's voice coming from the outside.

"Niall?" Louis turns around and is face to face with the man who have tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Come here." Louis motions for Niall to come over to the bed and lay down, he doesn't need to be told twice, moving over and in to the bed. Feeling the warmth from Louis when he embrace him in his arms.

They don't need to talk, Louis already know why Niall is here... it happens more often that he would like to admit out loud, Niall have always tried to put on a brave front but at night the demons in his mind comes creeping up on him.

He moves a little so Niall also can see the screen of his phone, they just lay there in the dark watching Harry sing.

After the livestream Harry feel himself being completely exhausted, needing to catch some sleep. He makes his way back to his room, not bothering to talk to anyone because he can't handle it right now.

When he puts his hand on the handle he stops himself, looking down the corridor and to the door where Louis lives for the time being.

He doesn't think when he let go of the handle and make his way down the bright hallway, it's passed midnight and Louis is probably asleep but he just need to see him.

He knocks on the door only to be greeted a few seconds later by Louis in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, looking like he is on his way out.

"Hi." The surprise is clear in his voice, he steps out, pulling his jacket and beanie with him before he closes the door behind him.

"Want to come with me out?" He asks, surprising Harry because he didn't know that they were allowed to leave, he just assumed they had to stay where they were.

The cold air embraces them when they step outside of the hospital. The snowflakes are falling down from the sky, dancing around them when they make their way over to one of the snow covered benches.

Louis takes the arm of his jacket and tries to brush off the snow only to get most of it on his naked hand leaving it colder than before.

"Fuck it..." He mumbles out giving up on sitting down on the bench. He reach in to his pocket to feel the small package that have been laying there for months.

He stopped smoking what seemed like ages ago, but he still couldn't bring himself to throw the last of his addiction away.

Harry lets out a sigh only to have smoke create from his hot breath hitting the cold air.

The sound of the cars driving down the street is clear but it's still peaceful.

"Why are you awake?" Harry asks after a couple of minutes of them just standing there out in the snow.

"Niall snores like a trucker." Louis answers giving Harry a sad smile, he doesn't have to explain why the man is in his room to Harry.... He already knows why, the amount of times when he was back home and sneaked in to another patient's room to find comfort is more than he can count.

"Will he be okay?" Scared of the answer, knowing that people aren't living in the hospital for the food and service.

"No." It's almost a whisper, and the sadness in the word is heart-breaking.


Sorry for the long wait, work have been killing me this week so I've pretty much gone to bed as soon as I've gotten home. 

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